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Grade Nick Cannon and Kelly Osbourne on 'Beat Shazam'


  • Aliciajuvera - 2 years ago

    I'm a fan of Nick he did a awesome job

  • Aliciajuvera - 2 years ago

    I'm a fan of Nick he did a awesome job

  • KarmaBlessed - 2 years ago

    I love Nick, but he should stick with the 'Masked Singer'!!! At least half the songs were obscure at best!! Most of the time, all the contestants had no idea what the songs were, and there was one or two in there that I had never heard of before -- and that has never happened in all five seasons of the show [and yes, I have seen them all!!]

    We really need Jamie and Corrine back!! My thoughts and prayers are with you Jamie -- hurry back!!!! It is just not the same without you!!

    Sorry Nick, love you on Masked Singer ... cya next fall!!

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