Grade the 'Chicago P.D.' Season 10 finale:


  • Beatrice Brown - 2 years ago

    I thought it was really great ,man that kid really nailed his role in the episode.That look he gave Atwater was priceless.Love the show they always deliver,

  • Dave - 2 years ago

    Frankly, I expected more from this series. The cliff hanger is passé. It's a cheap trick to try and get the audience to tune in next season. If we like the show, we'll tune in. If not, we won't. Grow up already.

  • Karen McCarty - 2 years ago

    Next season Kim & Adam need to get married! Enough drama already in this relationship!!

  • Joan - 2 years ago

    From another perspective, since Kim and Adam rekindled their ship, we got all of 5 minutes of intimacy between them. If Adam doesn't survive, some payoff to this die-hard fan! I love One Chicago! It's my guilty pleasure. With Kim at the end of Season 8, we were at least able to see the team at the hospital & her in ICU. The action & suspense was great. The boy had a chilling, Damien-like expression for those of you who know original The Omen film, when Atwater shot Richard. Paddy don't leave us. Have a great summer!

  • Carol king - 2 years ago

    It broke my heart to see Ruzak bleeding after being shot. He is such a great actor. Hopefully, will see more of him next season.

  • Karen - 2 years ago

    I thought the ender was done really well. Always good to see Lee guest on anything, too. I hope they continue to address the wicked epidemic of hate in this country out there in so many ways, the fact that it is grown and cultivated. And that we are all innocent until that happens. Awareness to everyone out there is the only way we can break it down. I enjoy the show, in many ways it gets better which is too rare in a long runner.

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