Do you follow provincial politics in provinces other than BC?


  • Ron - 1 year ago

    As things stand ,, the nex federal election will be over by the time it hits the Manitoba border , with the liberals winning again , for some reason the conservatives keep putting leaders in place that are not elective leaders in Ontario, Quebec or the eastern provinces ,, the current leader of the conservatives is very abrasive and very unliked , here we go again

  • CF86 - 1 year ago

    That's what happens when we give the government more power than the people to run this country when was the last time the people had a vote or say on the laws we live by or anything other than the political parties who run the country and who are all bound by the same rules and legislation and burocracy, We will never see change unless we change the system that governs the parties voting for different parties is otherwise useless and we live in a pseudo democracy but hey we are all free in this country because they say we are and not because you were born free, Freedom is a privilege and not a right in Canada

  • Raechelle - 1 year ago

    Liberals and NDP have done nothing but destroy our Province and our country! Trudeau needs to go. Worst thing to happen to Canada!!! It's not even June, and JT has billed us taxpayers $87000 just for his groceries. More then the average Canadian makes a year!

  • Herb - 1 year ago

    I heard a political professor many years ago say,,, your local politics are for more important to you than provincial or federal, just have a look down town Victoria,,, I guess he was correct

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