Should dogs be leashed in all public parks?


  • Nancy Johnson - 1 year ago

    Too many dog owners allow pets to run loose causing damage to plants and bird habitat. They have no idea where the excrement ends up so even with the best of intentions, the shit is left for others to deal with. Dogs can be frightening for many people. Leashes should be on at all times that they are off of the owners property.

  • CF86 - 1 year ago

    Unfortunately we live in a society where people and their pets have no rights because the second someone thinks they need to complain about something they ruin it for everybody even the people who are being responsible and respectful I have all the same rights as anyone else to use the park with my dog considering I pay taxes for the upkeep of the parks, people need to get a life and worry about their own bullshit rather than focusing on everyone around them it's called living in a free country and if you don't like it go f**k yourself you NAZI piece of shit

  • Rex - 1 year ago

    Just my opinion but , it seems to me most other dogs I know usually end up in hot water because of their owners , We really don’t have much say in the matter , leash or no leash , we just want to have fun , Woof

  • Danielle R - 1 year ago

    This is a super broad question and doesn’t accurately showcase the issue at hand.

    I feel like dogs and pet owners who are respectful or people who are avoiding the highly trafficked areas should be alllowed off leash. If it weren’t for the trails and humans there would be wildlife walking through these areas. I also believe that maybe it should be seasonal.

  • Nancy Johnson - 1 year ago

    Too many dog owners allow pets to run loose causing damage to plants and bird habitat. They have no idea where the excrement ends up so even with the best of intentions, the shit is left for others to deal with. Dogs can be frightening for many people. Leashes should be on at all times that they are off of the owners property.

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