Should BC Ferries bring back the Pacific Buffet?


  • Hmmm - 1 year ago

    Bring back the beautiful fast cats, the good old days when things ran smoothly. And people had good paying jobs and cheap houses.
    No booze and food needed for such a short trip, less use of the washrooms and a generally cleaner environment that way

  • T - 1 year ago

    Its a short trip, people should not need to eat. No food equals less cost to fares, which is way more important than food.

  • CF86 - 1 year ago

    The NDP and federal government should buy more of the vessels and give them to our navy and we can put a toy gun on it and call it combat ready and effective and in times of peace the navy can use it to ferry passengers lol

  • Don - 1 year ago

    A few issues , no staff , BC ferries has bigger fish to fry , the service was better 40 years ago , it’s a shame the NDP government wasted multi millions on the fast cats , instead of building real ferries , the current service is pathetic

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