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Should Canada be held accountable for their wildfires polluting NYC and other U.S. areas?


  • Ray Paul - 2 years ago

    As a Canadian, we have never held the US accountable when smoke from wild fires in California, Montana, Washington or othe border state have crossed into Canada on the air currents. Rather we have offered help from our fleets of water bombers and fire fighters to help extinguish the fires. A little more sympathy for those who are loosing their homes and businesses to the fires than complaining about some smoke in the air. Most of us believe the fires have been deliberately set by climate eco terrorists whose nationalities are presently unknown. A little less animosity towards neighbours would be appreciated

  • Alicia Bye - 2 years ago

    I am sure they have suffered through some of the rest of the U.S. plentiful fires. The real difference is the amount of people it affects. Also a big city like that already has a great amount of pollution in the air which helps to increase the retainment of the severe fire pollution. (Just my opinion)

  • Pamela - 2 years ago

    Nope- if we hold them accountable, WE must be held accountable. We’ve sent them way more smoke than they’ve sent us!!!

  • Debra - 2 years ago

    I Voted No because You can't control what's going on with the Wildfires, I say if it's proven these fires arson then hold whomever started them hold them accountable. Besides if Canada is held accountable for all the smoke then Mexico, and The US should be too!

  • Kat - 2 years ago

    I voted yes because this wouldn't happen if they did control burns

  • Shan - 2 years ago

    I voted no. The reason? It hypocritical. Has the US been held accountable for the wildfires and pollution that has reached Canada? Nah. But we want Canada to do what? Pay us? Well that seems like a 2 way road folks. Careful what you wish for.

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