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Has a non-compete agreement that you previously signed ever had a negative impact on your search for a new job? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 266

  • Art Vendelay - 1 year ago

    While a non-compete has never adversely impacted an interview process, it has impacted me in two ways:
    1) I have filtered and removed certain “direct” competitors from my search
    2) year 1 of my sales efforts have been greatly restricted

  • HISJunkie - 1 year ago

    I never worked for Epic, but I have signed several non-competes with other firms. But all my non-competes stated that if they wanted to overly restrict me they had to pay me a salary equivalent so I could 'sit on the beach'. There are better ways for a company to protect its IP than tie up non-exec staff in unfair non-competes.

  • Another ExEpic - 1 year ago

    I left Epic several years ago, so things certainly could have changed for newer employees. At the time, the non-compete was specific to a defined list of named companies. I'm still in health IT, and went straight to a company that was not in the list, so had no problems.

  • ExEpic - 1 year ago

    The only reason I left Epic was because my spouse's education required them to move across the country. Regardless, i was still beholden to Epic's non-compete, and it took me more than 6 months to find a job that utilized my knowledge and met my career goals while still abiding by Epic's rules.

  • Competer - 1 year ago

    I worked for an EHR developer that was more prominent than Epic years ago and they made me sign a non compete. Although I was told by trusted people that they are non enforceable, it concerned the consulting/outsourcing agency that wanted to hire me. In the end they wanted a letter from my boss releasing me from the non compete. I wasn't a big shot but it put me in the precarious place of essentially resigning and asking for a release at the same time. It worked out, but was unpleasant.

    My understanding is that the only non compete structure that is really enforceable are those tied to vesting or other incentives. Employers can allow certain funds to vest only after a time has passed, but not forbid you from working somewhere. Simply saying you can't work somewhere limits the freedom of the individual and i don't think many jurisdictions would approve of that. Although I imagine it may be different by state and for senior executives or developers with a lot of IP in their head.

  • JBev - 1 year ago

    I never signed anything. My hospital organization maybe did. Anyway, when I quit, Epic made sure I would not work any time in the future months as an Epic analyst anywhere. I was hired on paper twice then within the next week each time was told they could not do business with me in an Epic role so I was no longer hired. I moved on to better things.

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