Grade the 'Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' musical episode:


  • Me - 10 months ago

    For a show that purports to be inclusive, why didn't they include more genres of music? Other performances have successfully integrated R&B, Hip Hop, Country and others in stage musicals.

  • Just No - 11 months ago

    Too weird. Let’s strict to regular story lines please.

  • nancy mantell - 11 months ago

    Thank you thank you thank you for most touching and hilarious Star Trek episode!! Awesome!!!

  • Denise Tauzu - 11 months ago

    Wonderful. It's ashame this wasnt done with the original Star Trek. LOL

  • Sher - 11 months ago

    NOTHING - NOTHING will ever be as great or hysterically funny than singing dancing Klingons!!

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