Should Michael Ignatieff give his former Liberal leadership rivals - Bob Rae and Dominic LeBlanc - top spots on his team?


  • Jenn - 16 years ago

    I lived through Rae in Ontario, and I don't really remember anything he did that was so horrible (yes, he had a deficit, but those were bad economic times) with the exception of Rae Days. From my employed-by-small-business-no-pension perspective, that was not a bad thing. I heartily approved.

    So I'm not really sure what everyone in Ontario is so down on the man for. I'd keep him clear of finance or anything industry related, but I can see him doing great with Heritage, for example, or some other portfolio.

  • Pat G - 16 years ago

    Bob Rae has been denigrated for too long and inappropriately for trying to spread the pain of a very bad economic situation -- not of his making -- to equalize fairly its effects among members of the population in Ontario.

    Some people, influenced mainly by government opposition, perpetuate this unfair colourization of Mr. Rae's attempts to do the decent thing for all concerned at a time when all governments in our area were struggling with the effects of a serious downturn. He graciously accepts some blame for things that, in retrospect, may have been misinterpreted or may have required a somewhat different handling of the situation at the time. However, it is always easy to criticize after the fact.

    In the many years that have followed, Mr. Rae has contributed much to our country in many areas. His public service over these years has added to his experience and worth as a great contributor to this country and it would be a shame not to use his abilities and knowledge of our country in whatever position would make best use of his attributes.

    Mr. Rae, who seems quite comfortable in his own skin, does very well as a natural communicator and educator. Many are impressed with his natural warmth and self-deprecating humour. This makes him approachable and this is a big plus in politics.

    He should definitely be a very important part of a hard-working, well-balanced team!

  • Gerry - 16 years ago

    4 out of 5 have the same opinion. I agree with them.

  • estelle - 16 years ago

    I voted yes, but.... Not Rae, moving to the Liberal party, (a leopard doesn't change his spots) his mindset is still NDP. Dominic Le Blanc, absolutely, young but great credentials, he has a plenty of experience with 8 years in parliament. He is an asset to the Liberals and a few years down the road will make an exceptional Prime Minister.

  • Mars - 16 years ago

    We do not need ANY socialists in power-provincially or federally!!! GEt Rae out of the picture--with him in it- the liberals will never get out of the rut they are in.

  • Gibson - 16 years ago

    Bob Rae did enough damage last time in Ontario, keep him as far as possible from politics and Canada.

  • barrie davidson - 16 years ago

    I voted NO!! I dummy is enough

  • paintsman - 16 years ago

    Bob Rae is too far left to be in the liberal party that I see Ignatieff leading.
    Leblanc likely would be fine in a key position.

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