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What was George W. Bush's biggest mistake while in office?


  • bojango - 15 years ago

    should there not have all of the above

  • chane - 16 years ago

    George Bush's mistake's was going to war with a country that had nothing to do with osama and his terrorists parties and sending over 5000 of his country men/woman to die for nothing.

  • armida spada-mcdougall - 16 years ago

    George's biggest mistake was running for the presidency of the USA.

  • lvh - 16 years ago

    "What about ignoring security reports that bin laden was planning an attack?"
    I think Clinton was the great ignorer..Cole, WTC (first attempt), etc.

  • Beverley Martin - 16 years ago

    Actually, I think the biggest mistake was none of the above. Saying there were weapons of mass destruction was an outright lie. The biggest mistake was sending so many young people to die in Iraq needlessly and killing so many innocent Iraqis in the process, not to mention destroying so much of their infrastructure.

  • George Murphy - 16 years ago

    Moving from the moral high ground that "America" has tried to build over the centuries will affect & embolden those who would do it, and its allies, harm!
    Come back to leadership, not brinksmanship!


  • Elroy S - 16 years ago

    There should have been another line to pick. "All of the above"

  • andy - 16 years ago

    "Claiming there were WMDs in Iraq". Was that really a "mistake"? It got him the war he wanted. Stupid or a liar? Your choice.

  • Barfly_guy - 16 years ago

    What about ignoring security reports that bin laden was planning an attack?

  • Bill A - 16 years ago

    He should have concentrated on the Taliban and El Quida, the real threat to the west.

  • Art - 16 years ago

    Attacking Iraq, without waiting to work diplomatically. Starting a war in Afghanistan without getting a consensus from the rest of the world that war was the best option.

  • NewtG - 16 years ago

    I strenuously object to the premise of this poll. It seems to suggest that W actually made mistakes.

  • Kim Morton - 16 years ago

    Junior created so many disasters it is hard to say which one was the worst. Some had a cascading effect so you couldn't always tell where one ended and the next one started. OTH he did make Nixon and Raygun look good.

  • T.Thwim - 16 years ago

    Attacking Iraq in the first place not an option?

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