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In your most recent change to a new medical practice for an ongoing relationship, how did they obtain your medical records? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 161

  • Frank Poggio - 10 months ago

    I checked "nothing was transferred" but here's how I got 'even' for them wasting my time. I did bring with me a thumb drive with a PDF copy on it. I also brought a hard copy - just in case. So when they said "we won't use the your thumb drive, just fill out these forms", here's what I did. When their form asked questions like "What meds are you on?" I said see the attached print out the information is on Page XX.

    When I turned the forms in along with my 50+ page EMR they said "we don't need the copy". I replied: "Yes you do, see I referenced data here and here and..." They gave me a stern look and reluctantly accepted the my hard copy.

  • Charles George - 10 months ago

    i use so used the sharing option with the new provider.

  • Bob - 10 months ago

    I gave them all of them (paper, images, et al), and no surprise here, they didn't load some and they didn't even review some

    healthcare, for being data driven, is failing on multiple cylinders

    you drive your healthcare not the data viewers, most docs are so overwhelmed they have quietly quit

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