Best Disney Movie for 2008


  • Michelle - 16 years ago

    how is enchanted and wall-e better than bambi?

  • Michelle - 16 years ago

    how is enchanted and wall-e better than bambi?

  • Aster - 16 years ago

    I LOVE camp rock it is so TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so glad you put it on there I was looking for Wall-e on the list but then i found CAMP ROCK!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to get the movie! I just can't stand how people say they are terrible and stupid and for babies I JUST HATE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Have you people lost your minds! GOSH!

  • Haleigh - 16 years ago

    I love Wall-E!

  • krystal - 16 years ago

    who cares what movies winning even though you want the movie you like to win

  • nicole - 16 years ago

    of course wall-e what are you people thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Rea - 16 years ago

    ...okay. WHY does High School Musical have more votes than Bolt? Seriously. That's completely and utterly rediculous.

    It's understandable why Wall-E's winning, but, come on. Those disney-channel based/screened movies should NOT be on the list. By NO means.

    Unless Disney channel not only gets better talent, but some better plot writers....they shouldn't be on there. Because their current talents and writers are seriously lacking.


  • Jason Forthofer - 16 years ago

    Wall-e was good but really over-hyped. Come on! The first 40 minutes was boring, just wall-e riding around the planet. Bolt was the big surprise for 2008!

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