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Should the agency resume publishing "H/L Today?"

Total Votes: 81

  • Erica Bertumen - 16 years ago

    I vote for H|L Weekly, too.

  • El - 16 years ago

    I vote for H|L Weekly.

  • Teri Schilly - 16 years ago

    H|L Weekly.... Sign me up.

  • Barbara Rosenfield - 16 years ago

    I think we would get more meaningful information on what's going on with our clients and the ad world if we only publish H/L on a weekly basis.

  • Michelle Loehr - 16 years ago

    Another vote for H|L Weekly!

  • Amy George - 16 years ago

    I "anonymously" agree with Anne. I really like H/L today, but I know in the STL we sometimes struggled with the daily updates. I think H/L weekly would still keep us all in the loop on what is going on with each account and in each department and in the ad world at large, as well as being easier to manage.

  • Anne Lewis - 16 years ago

    Hmmm, not so anonymous.

  • Anne Lewis - 16 years ago

    I like the idea of H/L something.

    I think it should be a weekly - like "People" or the the "New Yorker". It's a nice way to communicate industry info, account info, department info, who's doing who info...

    I also have a couple ideas for sections but we'll take that offline.

    Are you sure this thing is anonymous? Just askin'.

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