How would you grade Obama's inaugural address?


  • jim - 16 years ago

    Even mans greatest wisdom is foolishness to God. God is Just and not easily angered but it would be wiser for a man to tie a lime stone around his neck and be dropped into the deepest part of the ocean than to face God's Wrath, especially if you harm one of his "little ones". As Mr. Obama has just done by supporting abortion world wide.Plan parenting, call it what it is. Already God has turned his back on Mr. Obama.

  • Mars - 16 years ago

    Well-after all is said & done-- nothing impressive was really said!! I gave a B--as he is a good orator--but bland.HIs hopes & spectations are mostly out of reach---spending the nation out of money which isn't really there--will come back 2 haunt him. How far would I get if I borrowed money 2 buy the things I want--not need-- cause I haven't got i t in the bank-- 2 pay the bills????? Hate 2 say it but 2 me he is a -fake-without understanding of what it really is all about! where is his record-of acheivemnt? He has the nack 2 tell the people what they want 2 hear-- I'm always amused by how little people "think" before they vote-- don't know what they are voteing for-- Oh- they 'll say-- he looks good--speaks well--I like him( they don;'t even know him) he knows everything--we'll see- what we got-- hope it doesn't bring everything into the "tank" even more-especially with Canada--our time in Afghanistan is up-soon-- & he better believe it-- if he wants war-- do it on their own!!! Closing Gitmo--could be a big mistake- unless he has a prison 2 put the terrorists--which would not hessitate to gouge out his granmothers or anyones eyes-in a second--if let loose--lets not for get that!!! Is already spending money in wrong places-- something the individual could look after themselves. The flood gates are now open---where will it end!

  • Frank Dietzel - 16 years ago

    I wish President Obama well, he may be another John Kennedy. Time will tell.
    I only gave him a "c" rating because in the "white spaces" there seemed to be inuendo against the former president that seemed untimely to me.

  • Chas - 16 years ago

    I gave it an A although I, too, was hoping there would be a quotable line like "fear itself" or "ask not". Nevertheless, it was a powerful message to the people of America, and the world. I believe the stars have aligned for a new era, but it will take work by everyone, and all governments to make it happen. Now we can start working towards having a more progressive government in our own country, too!

  • Blaire,sr. - 16 years ago

    My hat is off to the people of the United States. I remember well the 60s and the heart ache caused by a few people lacting all understanding of our collective Humanity, If someone had suggested then that a Black Man would be electet President of the United States in fifty years,I would have questioned their sanity. On the 20th of this month,with tears streaming down my cheeks,I saw this happen. Thank you America! From me and the Whole

  • Steven Weir - 16 years ago

    Obama's speech was rehashed, typical, and to me uninspired. He told people what they wanted to hear. For one, with so many references to God, the man, like most people on Earth is delusional. He was accepted with such fanfare because the United States has been suffering from Stockholm syndrome under George Bush. No-one can accept the idea that we have a limited existence on this planet, and as such, we are in for another spend now, think later agenda here in North America. I take solace in the fact that this species will either learn to live as one, or cease to exist. Self-fulfilling prophecy in action. I am glad that America has voted for a black/non-republican president. It should open the door for new ideas, sadly, most are thanking God, when it is they who voted for change. Science has brought us forward, and yet, here in the 21st century, we are sliding backward into ideas, that as we speak, are dying in their countries of origin. Why do we need someone to look up to, why can't we just look within ourselves and find hope and joy? Be skeptical, be thoughtful, see reason. Do not buy what people are selling because they tell you they need it. I guarantee that at the end of Obama's term in office, America will be hollower and smaller yet again, unless people give up their hero worship. (Jesus, Mohammed, and God included) Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake will not lead you to salvation either. Hollywood and the Vatican are one and the same. No-one believes this propaganda unless they are unthoughtful. The second we collectively use our heads and look at things with a skeptical eye, mumbo jumbo and heresay fall apart. Trust no-one, believe nothing unless you see it, and understand it, a gut feeling doesn't cut it anymore. Find out the harm it does to a society when the most rational are ostracized for their non-belief. I am not a spin doctor, I am honest to myself, and you should do the same. In ending this comment, I would say I do not know whether this will be a good president for the U.S. or for the world, but what i do know, is that the hype of a speech will not allow me to judge this mortal man, and whether you as American's voted for him or not, hold him accountable for his actions and words. Support him only as long as his ideas support humanity. P.S. - So far it's one point for President Obama on closing Guantanamo. Cheers!

  • Raul Suarez - 16 years ago

    For me an A would have been something like "I have a dream..." or "Don't ask what your country can do for you...",

    It was OK. It was focuses but very repetitive. Nothing earth shatering.

    I would say it was kind of bland, I really expected better.

  • Michel - 16 years ago

    Not so much the speech (but certainly it also) but the whole mood surrounding the event reminded me of January 20, 1961.

    There was the election of someone who 'should not ever have been elected to this office'. In 1961, it was the 1st Roman Catholic president, in 2009, it's the 1st black president. I can remember some of the talk about a potential Roman Catholic president back then - it was quite unthinkable. Those people didn't belong there.

    At the beginning of the seventh decade of the 20th century, there was a romantic belief, on the part of the younger generation that all would get better with the advent of this handsome, dynamic young man with his young wife and two children. The times were filled with great hope and promise. It became known as a Camelot-like time.

    Now, at the end of the first decade of the 21st century, are we looking to a new Camelot? Are we awaiting the dawn of a new era where the sorrows and evils of our fathers generation will be left behind, consigned to a finished episode in history?

    Will Mr. Obama be able to summon around him the team, the young workers, the citizen-servants who will, with one mind, one heart, one vision come together again and answer to the call that was, in 1961, John Kennedy's " Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own." and, now, in 2009, Barak Obama's "Our challenges may be new, the instruments with which we meet them may be new, but those values upon which our success depends, honesty and hard work, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism -- these things are old.
    These things are true. They have been the quiet force of progress throughout our history.
    What is demanded then is a return to these truths. What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility -- a recognition, on the part of every American, that we have duties to ourselves, our nation and the world, duties that we do not grudgingly accept but rather seize gladly, firm in the knowledge that there is nothing so satisfying to the spirit, so defining of our character than giving our all to a difficult task.
    This is the price and the promise of citizenship.
    This is the source of our confidence: the knowledge that God calls on us to shape an uncertain destiny."

    The words are different but the sentiment is the same. What will history give us in the next several years? I can only pray that God will graciously grant our world a happier time and not something ending up in a Dallas-like hurt which led to the anger, disassociation, disaffection and moral diseases of subsequent decades.

    God keep us despite our failings..., our foolishnesses.

  • Vic Lehan - 16 years ago

    I was very impressed by Baracks oratory ability. He must have been a member of the Toastmasters or Dale Carnegie or the like. Although, I had to say the same of McCain in his speech when Barack won the election.

    But now the election is over, the party is over and it is time to put your money where your mouth is. If he is able to make it work in the USA he will take Canada along with him. So enough Barack already! Let's be Canada and let Barack do his thing.

    While some may disagree with me the current economic situation underlines the fact that we should not be putting all our eggs in one basket by dealing with the USA so exclusively. Europe represents a market that looks on Canadian made products for what they are, High quality. Plus while the USA struggles with language issues, Europe functions with many languages and they understand the metric system which is far superior to the Imperial system.

    Good Luck to Barack and the USA but most importantly Good Luck to Canada!

  • Mary Jane - 16 years ago

    Obama's speech was uplifting and inspiring, but, at the same time, measured. However, he failed to deliver 'the one liner' that would give it an 'A' rating. It was a good solid 'B' and that's pretty good in my books.

  • Vera Neirynck - 16 years ago

    I voted A as I liked the speech, although I expected more forceful words from Obama... I thought he was too kind with his words for the past administration and way to kind to the dictators of the world... but I guess change has come and for the better. I have high expectations for the USA and thank heavens they elected a smart articulate man! I wish Obama and his team good luck!

  • Chris - 16 years ago

    I think that Obama is a total fake like all of the other presidents the states has had.

  • Matthew Fletcher - 16 years ago

    I voted B.

    I read the speech before I saw the delivery on-line later.
    The text was an A+
    The delivery was a soft B.

    As written it was excellent. As delivered, it lacked a little, albeit with extremely high expectations. Perahps even Obama was overtaken a bit by the momentousness of the occasion.

  • Brian - 16 years ago

    Obama's inauguration is more American hypocrisy. The $50 millions bill for the event and party is similar to the big three auto makers coming to Congress for bail out money in their personnal jets. Shame on all these hypocrites and their supporters who have a short memory of reality and who are suckers for a party while preaching austerity' For whom?

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