I would just like to say, that as a fourth generation san franciscan and proud resident of this fine city, I am so sick of hipster shitheads trying to voice their unwanted opinions and push their ridiculous agenda's on the rest of the city. The mission was not always your little hideaway, my skinny jean, faux-hawk friends, so be a grown up and let the store open there, they will survive or not on their own account, its called capitalism. If you disagree with a clothing store so much, (mind you a clothing store that only promotes the fabrication and peddling of american made clothing, something we sorely need in these economic times) just Dont Shop There! Its that easy! Now grow up, and if you are so inclined to take a stand against something, go back to buttfunk, Idaho where you are really from and leave the city to the locals.
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I would just like to say, that as a fourth generation san franciscan and proud resident of this fine city, I am so sick of hipster shitheads trying to voice their unwanted opinions and push their ridiculous agenda's on the rest of the city. The mission was not always your little hideaway, my skinny jean, faux-hawk friends, so be a grown up and let the store open there, they will survive or not on their own account, its called capitalism. If you disagree with a clothing store so much, (mind you a clothing store that only promotes the fabrication and peddling of american made clothing, something we sorely need in these economic times) just Dont Shop There! Its that easy! Now grow up, and if you are so inclined to take a stand against something, go back to buttfunk, Idaho where you are really from and leave the city to the locals.