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What is your single biggest frustration with your primary care provider? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 271

  • CSS - 7 months ago

    Of all the healthcare issues I complain about on a regular basis, my PCP is not even on the list. She and her office are efficient, proficient, available, customer oriented, and communicate well even when I might not. She has been my PCP for just over ten years (with the most recent move to a new city), and she has seen everyone in the family at one point or another. I am exceedingly grateful for and treasure my relationship with her.

  • LJ - 7 months ago

    My biggest complaint is related to the patient portal. It should be easy to request a prescription refill via the portal and it's straightforward to submit a request. Unfortunately due to the inane way that a major vendor built its portal, deleting the message from the message center inbox deletes it every where including the patient's sent folder. The office staff take advantage of this and when you call to find out the status of the refill, they claim that there was never a request submitted. Patients really should not have to take a screen shot of a sent message to prove that they asked for a refill....

  • CRamsey - 7 months ago

    I have never met my PCP. I always meet with me PA, which he is great.

  • JT - 8 months ago

    For me, it was a toss-up between the lead time to get an appointment and the lack of customer service focus by unlicensed staff. But I'd also say that the response time to get Rx renewals using the portal has increased from a few hours (i.e. same day) to 1-2+ days. There is no question in my mind that there is a LOT of burnout going around! I hope somebody is working on a solution soon!

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