Eesti Laul 2024: Who are your qualifiers?
5miinust & Puuluup - "(nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi"
Anet Vaikmaa - "Serotoniin"
Antsud - "Vetevaim"
Cecilia - "FOMO"
Ewert and the Two Dragons - "Hold Me Now"
Inga - "No Dog On a Leash"
Ingmar - "Dreaming"
Laura - "Here's Where I Draw the Line"
Cartoon & Ewert Sundja - "Oblivion"
Ollie - "My Friend"
Peter Põder - "Korra veel"
Silver Jusilo - "Lately"
Sofia Rubina - "Be Good"
Traffic - "Wunderbar"
Yonna - "I Don't Know About You"
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