Wat is het meest ondergewaardeerde liedje van 2023?
Adrianne Lenker - Ruined
Alamo Race Track - Sally H.
Blur - The Heights
Corinne Bailey Rae - New York Transit Queen
Depeche Mode - Speak To Me
Frankie and the Witch Fingers - Futurephobic
Olivia Rodrigo - Vampire
Robin Kester - Cat 13
Snõõper - Running
Steven Wilson ft. Ninet Tayeb - Rock Bottom
White Feet - Yema
Caroline Polachek - Sunset
Therapy? - They Shoot The Terrible Master
Julie Byrne - Moonless
Sue The Night - Alas
Celine Cairo - Method in the Madness
Library Card - Cognitive Dissonance
Sufjan Stevens - My Red Little Fox
Tramhaus - Minus 20
BLANKO x Miche - Give What You Got To Give
Low Cut Connie - Are you Gonna Run
Lana Del Rey - A&W
Madison Cunningham - Subtitles
Depeche Mode - Ghosts Again
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