Do you agree that progressive forces in Afghanistan should run for President ?


  • jabbarkhail - 15 years ago

    Afghanistan has its own traditions and most of the Afghans are very fond of them.( see the Asian foundations recent surveys that how Afghans trust their tradional jirga system and their traditional leadership compare to the corrupt modern institutions) Blend the beautiful and good ideals of the west with compatible Afghan ideals. Rapid and sudden change does not work in Afghanistan. We have to be sensitive and respectful to the genuine Afghan ideals and values that suit that part of the world. At same time all of us can learn a lot from each other. Its not that Afghans are perfect but still it their country and it should be up to them which constructive path they take. Its not up to others to tell them whats good and bad for them. There might be things that are not good but there might be social acceptability for it. Rapid change of Amanullah Khan Ghazi, of Soviets their puppets, Mullahs and their backers and now the western liberalization did not work because none of the reforms represented the ground realities and did not met any of the pre-conditions that are required to for the success. Nothing was evolve but are always imposed. Change should be from within the society not through external pressures. Religion, traditions and modernity all three play an important role in Afghan social fabric and the importance of none can be ignored.

  • Nesar Fazel - 15 years ago

    The global economic crises has left a big raft between rich and poor in our country too. The ordinary people are looking for a new era of economic, social and political changes and a change to get them out of this mess. The left movement has suffered a big sit bag due to it's own historical mistakes. New there is a different world and new opportunities for the left movement to adapt more prctical and and logic approach to these challenges and get involved and go forward and look to the future instead of sticking to it's past mistakes.

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