Should public schools be obligated to play the national anthem at the start of every school day?


  • kaypay - 16 years ago

    All students in elementary and secondary school should sing the national anthem everyday. This might finally instill ln our country some national pride and maybe people will finally respect our flag and our country.

  • John D - 16 years ago

    The anthem is an important part of our identity and should be cherished. And nothing makes children appreciate something and cherish it like forcing them t do it. We can raise a generation that has as much love for the anthem as they do for writing lines.

  • Jenn - 16 years ago

    "The school would be doing to the national anthem what shopping malls have done to the Christmas carol. "

    You mean, teach people the words?

  • Penelope Cumas - 16 years ago

    Definitely not. The anthem should be reserved for celebratory or solemn occasions when it can be sung with genuine feeling. Singing it on a daily basis would only trivialize it. The school would be doing to the national anthem what shopping malls have done to the Christmas carol.

  • Kelsey Ehler - 16 years ago

    Being from BC, I have a tough time telling what the big deal over the national anthem is. I've gone through all thirteen years elementary and secondary school and not once were either I or my peers made to sing the national anthem before class started. Somehow, we still managed to develop a love of this country despite that. The only effect that a mandatory daily sing-song would have had would be to tick the lot of us off and shave away any meaning that the song actually had to us.

  • Aileen a. Colcleugh - 16 years ago

    No. I think He did the right thing. Nobody wants an election right nowand he
    threatened them with dire consequences if they don't follow through.
    We'll see what happens.

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