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Play-In: Hucksters (Poll Closed)


  • David - 6 months ago

    Wow, I just stumbled on this too late to vote and I consider this one a travesty. A Face in the Crowd is a masterpiece, perhaps the most underrated masterpiece in the history of movies. Given that, I guess this result, being lopsided as it is, is what I should expect. Maybe Ace in the Hole is worth a re-visit, but the first time I saw it, I found its message to be more ham-handed, ironically, than the more broadly played Face.

  • Lauri - 6 months ago

    Oh, it's A Face by a mile for me. Andy Griffith is a revelation, and Budd Shulberg's screenplay is prescient.

  • George - 6 months ago

    100% with all of the comments regarding the horrendous situation here.

    Both movies are criminally under seen and so relevant, none more so than A Face in the Crowd.

    I was first made aware of this film when Glenn Beck was referred to as Lonesome Rhodes.

    As others have stated the relevance and similarities to our current time only increase, sadly.

    Because there are so many other Wilder films and better ones. I don’t feel bad going against Ace.

  • Brient Kittrell - 6 months ago

    A brutal match up. Ace in the Hole blew me away, and I honestly thought it would be my favorite film that I watched in preparation for madness. Then I watched A Face in the Crowd....

    Absolutely crazy.

    Andy Griffith was in a movie that mocks the commodification of “good old country boys.” And he was in this movie about 3 years before the first episode of the Andy Griffith show aired. And in this movie his tv show is called “The Cracker Barrel.” And the first Cracker Barrel restaurant opened 12 years later.

  • Jason Rhodes - 6 months ago

    FACE is fantastic(and makes a hell of a double feature with Filmspotting favorite NETWORK), but ACE has one of those really high cards up its sleeve—Kirk Douglas’s Chuck Tatum is one of my favorite characters of the decade. If it doesn’t win, I’ll go out and bite a dog.

  • Greg David - 7 months ago

    I see we're starting the hurting early this year.

  • Rob Staeger - 7 months ago

    I went with Ace, but boy, does Face get more relevant every day. These both deserve a chance at the title.

  • Dave Allen - 7 months ago

    This is really tough. Both of these movies showed striking prescience, but I'm going to go with A Face in the Crowd for downright Nostradamus-level foreknowledge.

  • Rob Shames - 7 months ago

    Glad I’m not the only one who feels this match-up is obscene. I reluctantly voted for Ace in the Hole because I think it has a chance of going farther in the competition. Both of these are absolute masterpieces though and should never have been in a play-in!

  • Steven Cherry - 7 months ago

    Wow, Trent puts it perfectly, right down to the diss of The Quiet Man.

    Both of these films are as relevant to our present day as Network, the one giving us the newspaper version of clickbait, and the other anticipating modern right-wing talk radio. However, there's a dramatic tension in Ace that's missing from Face.

    Schulberg vs Wilder, plus Kazan vs Wilder. Patricia Neal gives a great performance, as does Andy Griffith, but they're up against the unstoppable Kirk Douglas. This is the kind of bracketing that delivers the Madness!

  • Jordan Jurcyk - 7 months ago

    This is easily the most brutal play in match this year and could be a quarterfinal if the only voter was me. These are both masterful pieces of potent social and political commentary from some of the era's most visionary directors. I've seen A Face in the Crowd more recently and was blown away by a side of Andy Griffith I've never seen before and a razor sharp script. I'm tempted to go to bat for it. It's been longer since I've seen Ace in the Hole, but I recall being similarly blown away by Kirk Douglas and its own razor sharp script. Ultimately I have to trust myself. The full fifth star I gave Ace in the Hole on Letterboxd and my adoration for Billy Wilder give his film a narrow edge.

  • Trent Robb - 7 months ago

    Billy Wilder is on the Mount Rushmore of movie directors (Wilder, Hitchcock, Kurosawa, Bergman). Yeah they will all play a huge part in Madness 50’s.
    Anyway Ace in the Hole is maybe his most underrated film. But I also love A Face in The Crowd. Too bad it has to go. Should be The Quiet Man getting eliminated here. That movie sucks.

  • Edward Savoy - 7 months ago

    This is a PLAY-IN?! This brings the pain far too early. In the just world that Ace in the Hole certainly doesn't believe in and A Face in The Crowd only barely does, this would be a final. This one's tough, but I reluctantly go with A Face in the Crowd, as....well, let's just say that the notion of a huckster who makes his real bones on TV gaining immense political power isn't NOT relevant?

  • Jonathan Anderson, Denver CO - 7 months ago

    Frankly amazed these aren't in the dance.

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