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Play-In: Disney (Poll Closed)


  • Chadd Huizenga - Milwaukee - 6 months ago

    Sleeping Beauty on aesthetic value alone. Disney best version of Cinderella is the 1997 TV movie of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical staring Brandy and Whitney Houston.

  • Scott Lentz - 6 months ago

    I did a Disney Animation viewing project back in November for my own podcast, Cinema on Tap (apologies for the shameless plug), managing to watch 28 Disney films, many of which I hadn’t seen since childhood. While I came away enjoying Cinderella more than I expected, Sleeping Beauty now stands as my personal favorite Disney film. It may be the most singularly beautiful film Disney Animation ever produced.

  • Stephen - 6 months ago

    Sleeping Beauty has been my personal favourite for Avery long time. It was the first movie I bought on VHS. It’s one of Disney’s most visually adventurous animated features, leaning heavily on renaissance art styles and using the Technicolor palette to its fullest and taking full advantage of the widescreen frame. It also doesn’t hurt that the musical score adapts Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping Beauty ballet and Maleficent is one of the best Disney villains ever. Cinderella, while a fine movie in its own right, simply can’t compete.

  • Duncan in Royal Oak, Michigan - 6 months ago

    Both very good films, but it's not much of a contest for me. Cinderella is just a little bit bland for my tastes, while Sleeping Beauty is much more adventurous, exciting, and magical. It's also the prettier film - compare any given shot from the two, and I bet you'd rather hang The Sleeping Beauty on your wall over the Cinderella. Maleficent is also just an undeniable factor in Sleeping Beauty's favor. Everything about her is pitch perfect, one of the best Disney Villains if not THE best.

  • Henrik Hansen - 6 months ago

    The songs in Cinderella are iconic. No contest for me.

  • Tom Morris - 6 months ago

    Why are two of the greatest animated movies ever made in a play-in? Also the 1950s were a great decade for Walt.

    Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan were also released in the decade. All four movies should have been in the Madness.

    I voted for Sleeping Beauty in part because it’s gorgeous, and because Malefiecent is the best Villian!

  • Aaron Neuwirth - 7 months ago

    Sleeping Beauty is one of the most gorgeous films ever made. A film so artistically sound that it nearly bankrupted Disney to make it. Cinderella is...fine.

  • Jordan Jurcyk - 7 months ago

    They're both beautifully animated pro-patriarchy fairy tales from a studio of immense talent and power. Except Sleeping Beauty is like a trial run for Cinderella, which is better in nearly every way. It has better songs, better animation, more going on, and actually characterizes its princess.

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