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Play-In: Palme d'Or Winners (Poll Closed)


  • Jeremy Balliston - 6 months ago

    I am guessing it's because not enough people have seen it too. 15%! ouch.

    Seems like from the comments and it's 56% vote, Wages of Fear has is lovers. All the best to it.

  • Jason Rhodes - 6 months ago

    Friedkin’s SORCERER is quite good, but WAGES OF FEAR did the same story first and even better, if you ask me. With Friedkin’s passing last year and another WAGES remake due out on Netflix in 2024, the universe has spoken and it voted for Clouzot.

  • Bill VanZandt - 7 months ago

    I also caught up with The Cranes Are Flying as Madness homework and thought it was pretty good. But Wages of Fear is probably in my top 10 for the decade. It probably helps that I saw it in the theater when I was in college (no, not in the 50s!). A tense, gripping, sweaty film with a crushing end. Hopefully its chances of 50s supremacy aren't blown to pieces in the play-in.

  • Jeremy Ryan Balliston - 7 months ago

    The Cranes Are Flying was one of my fav films of the 50s. I'm all in baby! Such a beautifully shot film from a director who was one of the best.

  • Trevor Brown - 7 months ago

    I was blown away by so many shots in The Cranes are Flying. A highlight from all the 50's homework I did.

  • Rob Shames - 7 months ago

    The Cranes Are Flying is not going to win, but I’d wager (see what I did there?) that’s only because not enough people have seen it. You will not find more jaw-on-the-floor stunning shots in the history of cinema than in this film. Is it Soviet propaganda or a surreptitious critique of Soviet nationalism? That might be debatable but what is not debatable is the majesty of Kalatozov’s ethereal camera following our heroine as she leaves a bus and walks through a parade of tanks. Name me a better shot from the decade —- you can’t. My only solace in this film losing is that its inclusion in madness will get more people to watch it. Seriously people— get on it!

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