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Bonus Poll: Massacre Theatre. Generally speaking, I don't or rarely enter because...


  • Tim - 6 months ago

    Please don't do away with this segment! I was already so sad when it dropped back to only every other week and would really hate to see it go away altogether! I promise to enter more!

    I actually have been entering more, at least when I know the answer. I selected that I just like listening but don't care about the contest. The actual truth is I usually forget to send in an answer as I'm usually doing something else when listening. Also I feel lame when I can't think of more than the obvious connections so I don't feel worthy of entering.

    Still I promise to do my part more to get the hat brimming!

  • Damon - 6 months ago

    Just in case you are thinking of quitting Massacre Theater, I decided to inspire you with a slightly modified version of the speech Amy Adams delivers to Will Ferrell in Talladega Nights (with a touch of Hail, Caesar! thrown in for good measure). It never fails.

    “It's because it's what you love. It is who you were born to be. Josh and Adam are podcasters. You are doers. And that's what you need to do. You don't need to think. You need to act. You need to speak trippingly on the tongue. You need to go out there and say, “would that it were so simple.” You need to fire it up. You need to grab a hold of that line between podcasting and chaos, and you need to wrestle it to the ground like a demon cobra! And then, when the fear rises up in your belly, you use it. And you know that fear is powerful, because it has been there for billions of years. And it is good. And you use it. And you ride it; you ride it like a skeleton horse through the gates of hell, and then you win, Josh and Adam! You WIN! And you don't win for anybody else. You win for you, you know why? Because a podcaster takes what he wants. He takes it all. And you're podcasters, aren't you? Aren't you?!”

  • Joel Aarons - 6 months ago

    AFAIK it’s not open outside the US. So I’ve never entered.

  • Eric - 6 months ago

    Massacre Theatre is iconic. No matter if I know the movie or not, I’m always excited when its part of the show. The most common problem for me is I usually wait to listen to reviews until I see the movie being discussed. By the time I listen the submission date has past. When the stars align, when I know the movie and its before the deadline, I always submit it.

    I think you give a reasonable amount of time and choose a good variety of movies to pull from. I wouldn’t change a thing!

  • Henrik Hansen - 6 months ago

    MT is one of my favorite segments on the show. I enter whenever I know the answer, which is more than 50per cent of the time. . I have never won, but I am also geographically challenged and figure it would cost too much to send merch to the UK.
    Henrik Hansen
    Maidstone, UK

  • Seth Daam - 6 months ago

    I listen to the show exclusively on my short commute, and by the time I get to an email machine, I've already long forgotten that I should enter (if it happens to be one of the rare times I recognize the scene.) That said, Massacre Theater is awesome; never let it die!

  • Conflicted - 6 months ago

    I have a complex set of reasons involving both my lack of membership in the filmspotting family and the grateful email I would feel compelled to write if I were to enter.

  • Michelle de Montréal - 6 months ago

    I don't enter for many reasons. But I love Massacre Theatre, it makes me laugh and I'm always happy to recognize the dialogue. Please don't stop doing it!

  • Mark in Philly - 7 months ago

    I love Massacre Theatre but don't really know why I've never sent in a guess over the past decade-plus. I usually feel either excited at recognizing something or the title coming to me, or going, "hmmmm," when I don't recognize the lines, but I'm almost always greatly amused.

    I think the idea of hearing my name on air makes me a little self-conscious, which I think makes me irrationally hesitant to write into the show. Why do I still write comments on the Madness polls? I don't know. It doesn't make sense.

  • Zach in Chicago - 7 months ago

    If it's ever opened up to previous winners (I have stayed away since I somehow won, the very first time I entered), I would certainly play again ...

  • Jim McMahon - 7 months ago

    I second everything Ben Chung already said (although I finally got back to theaters last year).

    I'll add that Massacre Theatre was one of many aspects of the podcast that made me fall for it years ago. It's a quick shorthand to tell any newcomers that, while you'll take films on their own terms and rigorously dig in, you don't take yourselves too seriously and are willing to risk looking foolish, just like any artist. Even now I never skip through it and always enjoy the absurdity.

    While I'm at, please never ever drop the Graduate, Pacino, 2001 and E.T. sound clips-- they're perfection.

    -Jim from Los Angeles

  • Rob Staeger - 7 months ago

    I love Massacre Theatre! I just don't enter that often because a) I only have an idea about half the time, and b) that half the time doesn't often coincide with the episodes I listen to before the deadline -- sometimes out of sheer busyness, but often out of a hope that I'll see one of the movies being discussed before I listen.

  • Ben Chung - 7 months ago

    My main issue is that I don't listen to a given episode of the show until I've watched the movie(s) being discussed in it. I always find the analyses much more gratifying if I've already seen and processed the movie myself ahead of time. As I miss many of the discussed movies in their theatrical runs, I'm usually way behind on getting to the Massacre Theatre entries. But rest assured, a Filmspotting t-shirt is more than enough incentive to enter otherwise.

  • John Newfry - 7 months ago

    I voted other, I haven't entered recently because I won one already :-)

  • Bill McLaughlin - 7 months ago

    My response is "No time to send the email", but it's not quite as simple (and lame) an excuse as that. It's that i'm typically listening while driving or during quick breaks at work. Massacre Theatre is one of my favourite segments of the show, even when i might not have any idea which film you're ... honouring.

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