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1.1: Rear v Creature (Poll Closed)


  • Sam Thompson - 6 months ago

    Easiest. Vote. Ever.

  • Jonathan Anderson, Denver CO - 6 months ago

    Is everything okay behind the scenes? Has Larsen done something not publicly known? Because wow, this must've hurt him.

  • Alan - 6 months ago

    The last great Universal monster, which is so iconic. I would have liked to see the Creature get a little farther in the tournament, but it got a bad draw. matching up against a Hitchcock juggernaut. Well, we'll always have the Black Lagoon in our memories.

  • Ryan Finley - 6 months ago

    I went into this first round knowing one thing for sure: Rear Window. No Matter What. But this was a cruel way for it to go, as I sit in my office decorated in all manner of Universal Monsters decor. Oh well, I suppose I'll have to send the creature back into the depths this time, but my tears will join him in the Lagoon.

  • Josh Newby - 6 months ago

    We Joshes have to stick together, but not this time. Sorry, Josh. But hey, this did inspire me to actually watch Creature From The Black Lagoon, so...solidarity?

  • Rob Staeger - 6 months ago


    The Creature is the best...! But even I can't vote for it against Rear Window.

    I'm looking at a Gill-Man stuffed animal on my desk right now, and wondering how I can ever apologize to it.

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