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1.5: Some Like v Wages (Poll Closed)


  • Sam Thompson - 6 months ago

    I'm sure I'm in the minority in that I find Some Like It Hot to be fairly underwhelming. Some great writing and performances but with a plot that drags. Mob hijinks has never been more boring. Say what you will about Wages of Fear. Not boring!

  • Josh R - 6 months ago

    “I'm convinced anyone who votes for Some Like It Hot has never seen The Wages of Fear.”

    Have seen them both multiple times - am still going with Some Like it Hot with zero hesitation.

  • Kirsten - 6 months ago

    This one really, really hurt me. These are two of my favourite movies of the 1950s. It was an impossible choice, but Some Like It Hot is a perfect comedy. Perfect comedies are the unicorns of filmmaking. Also, my daughter threatened to never see me again if I didn’t pick it, it’s her favourite movie.

  • Devan Suber - 6 months ago

    Some Like It Hot is one of the 2 or 3 best movies Billy Wilder ever made, which means it's easily one of the greatest movies of all time. I saw it again last year the Philadelphia Film Society and still curled over laughing at every single part. It's unimaginable to me that him and his co-writer I.A.L. Diamond did both this and The Apartment back to back and they still hit. I'm certain Wages is good, but to my mind Wilder is still a tad underrated as a director. It's just masterful comedy, which is the hardest trick to not only pull off, but stay funny even almost a century later.

  • Ryan Hatch - 6 months ago

    I'm convinced anyone who votes for Some Like It Hot has never seen The Wages of Fear. My friends and I randomly watched Wages when I was in college and I was struck with how palpable the tension is. I've watched it a few times since and every time it shakes me to my core. Wilder created a fun romp; Clouzot created a suspense masterpiece.

  • SJ Lucero - 6 months ago

    Yeesh, this is a hard one!
    One of the greatest comedys versus one of the greatest thrillers! I maybe slightly prefer Some Like it Hot, but recency bias has me voting for Wages of Fear.
    I don't want to make waves, but this tournament is madness!

  • W. David Lichty - 6 months ago

    I hope Wages survives. It is easy to forget how good it is. When people say Sorcerer is better (and it's great), I'm sure it's been too long since they last saw Wages.

  • Ofer Liebergall - 6 months ago

    one of the funniest films of all time vs. one of the most suspenseful films of all time. teenage me will be mad, but I'm going with the trucks. The Wages of Fear is just like noting else ever made, including the other great movie made from the same book. and I will vote for Some Like It Hot in the next round, because there is no doubt who is winning this round.

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