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1.22: Ikiru v Roman (Poll Closed)


  • EB - 6 months ago

    Kurosawa has to have at least a couple of his pictures make it past the first round. Here’s hoping Ikiru does, but even if it doesn’t I don’t think I could stay mad at Wyler, Trumbo, Audrey and Peck.

  • W. David Lichty - 6 months ago

    Only To Live could even come close to surpassing Roman Holiday.

  • Jake Albrecht - 6 months ago

    Who's ever seen Ikiru and felt anything other than devastated at the disappointments and compromises of their own life? Such a powerful film deserves to move on.

  • Luis Reinoso - 6 months ago

    Why??? The film that inspires me in how I approach my life against the film that inspired my life-long adoration of Audrey Hepburn - in the first round! Until this moment, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness. Have you no sense of decency?

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