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1.23: Pather v Lonely (Poll Closed)


  • Sam Thompson - 6 months ago

    Yea this match-up was a product of bad seeding. In a Lonely Place is dreadfully underestimated here.

  • EB - 6 months ago

    These both could have made it to the Elite 8; here’s hoping whoever wins does.

  • Erin Teachman (Los Angeles) - 6 months ago

    In a Lonely Place is one of my favorite noirs of all time, of the creepiest performances ever given by Humphrey Bogart, somehow at his most threatening as a writer! And Gloria Grahame is just stunning. But as much as I love it, it’s a quirky genre movie working a very small corner of the genre and it just doesn’t hold a candle to Ray’s work in Pather Panchali, in my opinion. Going to have to leave In a Lonely Place in the rear view mirror.

  • Bill VanZandt - 6 months ago

    Tough matchup. It's been a long time since I watched either of these, and after catching up with and loving World of Apu for this year's homework (and Big City last year) a rewatch would probably sway me to Pather Panchali. But for now, it's In a Lonely Place.

  • Mark in Philly - 6 months ago

    There are other matchups where I think one of my favorites is going to lose against a more well known (but IMO, lesser) film. This is the only Round 1 match-up though that managed to get two films that would be in my top 8 for the decade going against each other. I repeat, in Round 1....

  • Jordan Jurcyk - 6 months ago

    Easily the most ludicrous first round matchup in this tournament. How do you compare a pitch black and pitch perfect piece of Humphrey Bogart fronted film noir to an artful and meditative film about youth in poverty. The only things these movies have in common is unrelenting sadness and well recognized greatness. Letterboxd is no help at all here - I gave each of these a strong 4 stars. In the end, I had to admit to myself that however artful and beautiful Pather Panchali is, I'm always going to pick a good noir - especially if the film has to be a downer.

  • Steven Cherry - 6 months ago

    This is insane! I would rather have to choose between 12 Angry Men and The African Queen (what? I about to have to??). I am such a fan of In a Lonely Place that it would end up in my final 8, with the right bracketing. Unfortunately, so would Pather Panchali.

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