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Should there be assigned police liaison officers in all school districts?

Total Votes: 6,383

  • CF86 - 7 months ago

    Forgot to mention that there was a cop stoped at the same red light who watched the whole thing unfold and they still threatened to shoot and kill me for no reason and you want these people around your children with guns people carrying guns including police increase the likely hood of someone innocent getting shot and killed not decrease it

  • CF86 - 7 months ago

    Not tasers but actual loaded and cocked guns this is exactly why police should not carry guns I almost got shot and killed by police because someone else ran a red light

  • CF86 - 7 months ago

    AJ, Have you ever been threatened to be shot and have a gun pointed at you by police because you almost got hit by a car at a cross walk and the guy driving got out and wanted to fight because I kicked his car when he almost hit me? Cops will literally pull a gun on someone for nothing and anything.....

  • CF86 - 7 months ago

    It's not paranoia it's called being objective about what is best with no regard for people's feelings about subjects they have no knowledge or idea about

  • CF86 - 7 months ago

    I actually support legal responsible gun owners and their rights to possess any gun they choose to own I don't believe in all of this assault weapons bullshit a gun is a gun regardless of what it looks like I just don't support the zero accountability and qualified immunity of police and police being investigated by other police

  • CF86 - 7 months ago

    No I just don't believe police should even be carrying guns at all there are too many instances of police shooting innocent unarmed people cops not carrying guns seems to work for England whom we are a colony of and they have a much larger population than our country

  • AJ - 7 months ago

    CF 86... we are NOT the U.S. you are paranoid.

  • CF86 - 7 months ago

    Yes as long as the officers leave their firearms locked in their cars unless there is an emergency that justifies is the need and use of a firearm otherwise it's just a matter of time before some poor innocent kid gets shot by an over zealous officer there should be a zero tolerance for firearms in schools regardless of who has the gun

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