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3.2: Some v Eve (Poll Closed)


  • Sergio Perez - 6 months ago

    Some Like it Hot is at least 30 min. too long. It does become tedious like a child repeating the same joke 5 times in a row.
    All about Eve is my favorite classic movie (everything before 1970) by far. Incredible acting, pace and story.

  • Devan Suber - 6 months ago

    In the battle of two acid-tinged comedies, I have to go with the one that had me doubled over both times i saw it, first at home during quarantine (where i unfortunately failed to take full advantage of a Criterion Channel collection) and the second during a retro screening at Philadelphia Film Society: SOME LIKE IT HOT. I'd argue it's maybe even more progressive today with how freely it plays with gender to the point where the jokes are more focused on the characters than they are on the fact that it's men in dresses. Plus come on... "Nobody's Perfect" absolutely slays, in large part because Jack Lemmon just gives up.

  • W. David Lichty - 6 months ago

    Agreed, All About Eve is the more progressive movie, treating all of its characters like full human beings. It has no caricatures.

  • James - 6 months ago

    Some Like It Hot is the ultimate eulogy to the creepy male gaze, while All About Eve actually has female characters, with real emotions. I do wonder how recently many of those people describing SLIH as a perfect comedy have actually watched it: doing so recently, I was unable to think of it as anything other than a monument to rape culture. All About Eve takes the entrapment of a woman seriously, and reaps the reward of my vote in this round.

  • David - 6 months ago

    Some Like It Hot is a perfect comedy and the laughs keep coming right through the very last line. Tony Curtis’s homage to Cary Grant is one of the great comic performances, Jack Lemmon is at his high- strung best, and Marilyn Monroe is about as Marilyn she’d ever be. I adore it and I hope it can survive being pitted against a great movie about show business—a category that always performs well in Madness.

    May I suggest if you need to vote for a showbiz movie, you give your love in this round to Sunset Boulevard and give All About Eve the fuzzy end of the lollipop?

  • Sean Means - 6 months ago

    As should be said at every episode of "Filmspotting," "Nobody's perfect." But "Some Like It Hot" Is.

  • Sam Thompson - 6 months ago

    All About Eve is brutal and brilliant. This is where Some Like It Hot needs to chill out.

  • SJ Lucero - 6 months ago

    I want All About Eve to get as far into this tournament as possible!!

  • Jordan Jurcyk - 6 months ago

    I have no paradigm for voting in this match. Two incredible films, which I consider among the greatest ever. Totally different in tone and purpose. Scripts for the ages. I haven't seen either in on nearly 20 years. Might as well flip a coin. I might as well have abstained, but I had to pick something so I could come in here and complain about the choices you're forcing me to make. Bette Davis' Eyes broke the tie.

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