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3.4: Sunset v Rashomon (Poll Closed)


  • Sam Thompson - 6 months ago

    Thank you, Josh, for validating my view that Rashomon qualifies as minor Kurosawa. It's fine. Wilder's masterpiece will live to fight another day!

  • Erin Teachman (Los Angeles) - 6 months ago

    Both iconic films that have left indelible marks on the form itself, but for all of Rashomon's storytelling innovations, it's just not as emotionally gripping as Sunset Boulevard and it's not as invested in the history of the form itself. Filmmaking wasn't even that old when Wilder set out to think about iron grip that faded glory exerts on the human soul, but he sure did understand the stakes. Sunset Blvd all the way.

  • Bill VanZandt - 6 months ago

    Even as I stare misty-eyed at Godzilla lying face-down in that pool, I forgive you, Sunset Boulevard, and you have my vote this time. Rashomon was only my third favorite Kurosawa in this bracket.

  • Jordan Jurcyk - 6 months ago

    I already griped in my Some Like it Hot vs. All About Eve comment about how hard it is to decide between classics that formed my very conception of good cinema but that I also haven't seen in forever, but this one is actually even harder? I already forgot which one I picked and I think that's a small mercy.

  • Trent Robb - 6 months ago

    This one hurts. Wilder and Kurosawa both on my Rushmore of film directors.

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