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3.5: Singin' v Touch (Poll Closed)


  • James Burton - 6 months ago

    The correct title is Touch of Evil (no article). As much as I adore Welles in general and this film in particular, I had to go with Singin' in the Rain (one apostrophe). I agree with Erin -- these movies are both so brilliant, in such different ways. Hard to believe the choices are just going to get harder from here on out.

  • Justan Zimmerman - 6 months ago

    This is the moment in Madness when Orson Welles strangles Gene Kelly and leaves his corpse propped above a drugged Debbie Reynolds. Did I really just type that? This took me to a really dark place. Maybe I should have voted for Singin' in the Rain.

  • Erin Teachman (Los Angeles) - 6 months ago

    Just the absolute epitome of the brutal choices that Madness inflicts on us. How do you compare one of the finest movie musicals of all time with one of the finest film noirs ever made?! I am absolutely in the bag for Touch of Evil's technical brilliance, its masterful cinematography, and its bevy of excellent performances, but there has to be more room for the brilliant, buoyant, colorful and joyous quality of film in this tournament, so I'm casting my lot with Singin' in the Rain on this one.

  • Bruce Cantwell - 6 months ago

    Good catch on "Touch of Evil" W. David Lichty. I didn't even notice before voting for Singin' in the Rain.

  • Trent Robb - 6 months ago

    If I had seeded this tournament these two could only match up in the final. As upset winners of their semifinals. Numbers 3 and 4 of the decade. I’m not saying who I’m voting for. It really doesn’t matter.

  • W. David Lichty - 6 months ago

    Is the 'A' correct? I think it's just "Touch of Evil," like "Touch of Crude," "Touch of Death" and "Touch of Pink," but not like the "A" Touches of Class, Cloth, Frost, Larceny, Love, Sin, Spice, Sweden, Unseen, or Zen; nor "The Touch of Her Flesh" or "The Touch of Satan," "That Touch of Mink," "One Touch of Venus" or "Fist of Fear, Touch of Death."

    I think.

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