This was the toughest choice, for sure! They're both so unscrupulous!
Jacquie Coppola - 4 months ago
THIS WAS A REALLY HARD ONE TO ANSWER. Had to really give it some thought. I never figured on not ever voting against Jen McCabe. Anytime her name came up, automatically voted her BUT Lank is a real piece of work, he’s been corrupt for years and gotten away with it. His time has come lol
This was the toughest choice, for sure! They're both so unscrupulous!
THIS WAS A REALLY HARD ONE TO ANSWER. Had to really give it some thought. I never figured on not ever voting against Jen McCabe. Anytime her name came up, automatically voted her BUT Lank is a real piece of work, he’s been corrupt for years and gotten away with it. His time has come lol