Which has been the best decade for music?


  • Dharma Initiative - 15 years ago

    Jack, you need to look at your calendar again. The 1960s ended in 1969. Period.

  • Jack Dharma - 15 years ago

    The "sixties" started in late 1963 and ended in late 1975 or early 1976. I don't think that anyone can seriously disagree: this was the best period for popular music.

    Having said that, there's a lot of good music right now; they just don't play it on commercial radio.

    Also, if all you listen to are MP3s, you have no business voting. I try to get vinyl copies of everything (and they're becoming more available these days). CDs cannot compare

  • Mr.Retail - 15 years ago

    Music in the 70's had de mosy fellin. Mad emotions in every song. I'm a young kid but i love the oldies!!!

  • Sexual Bitchinesssssssss - 15 years ago


  • Lucy in the Sky - 15 years ago

    The 60's, with out a doubt, the best music to ever hit our ears. John lennon was an absolute genius when it came to song writing and George Harrison could fucking rip on the guitar.....forever live The Beatles!!!

  • Brian Gomez - 16 years ago

    I spend my teenage years in the 90's but I still believe that the best music are the ones made in the 80s. New wave, Glam rock, Screaming vocals, Awesome Guitars, Music is more of an art instead of good looks. Rock in the 70s mostly sound the same. In the 90s, its all about grunge, rap metal, and hip hop, Today is all about emo and Good looks only.

  • James Long - 16 years ago

    The only good music now a days is from the bands from the 60s/70s

  • Austin Curtis - 16 years ago

    Today's Music is shit with R&B and stuff. So it has to be the 70's the music was so great half the bands are still playing now. Like Rock on AC/DC. Zeppelin and hendrix and the stones then were just insane and still are.

  • kimmmmmm - 16 years ago

    cant believe someone said that this current decade is the better, come on man, its maybe the WORST, because the music today is now electronic, im not sayin all, but the mayority, and mtv and radio is bombarding us but manufactured RnB! iI though people would say the 60s or 70s!

  • antonio - 16 years ago

    I cant believe someone said that this current decade is the better, come on man, its maybe the WORST, because the music today is now electronic, im not sayin all, but the mayority, and mtv and radio is bombarding us but manufactured RnB!
    iI though people would say the 60s or 70s!

  • CHARLIE - 16 years ago


  • Jared - 16 years ago

    The only enjoyable music from the 90s and 00s are the songs from artists from the 60-80s pretty much. Just my two cents.

  • Albert Freeman - 16 years ago

    I think it probably says something about the demographic of the voters, rather than the quality of the decades, that at time of writing the 70s are out in front. No offense to those who have voted for the 70s, but I'd have thought there would be more people voting for the 60s or 90s.

  • Phil Black - 16 years ago

    Its got to be the 1960s' more and more groups and others were writing their own music etc. Even today after 40 years plus, these recording stars are still with us today.
    Having worked with quite number of these big name groups etc' many of them still sound as good today as they did in the 60s, such groups as' The Fortunes, The Searchers, The Barron Knights, The Troggs, Swinging Blue Jeans and so many solo (Male and Female). Another thing one can do' that is to go and have chat with them after a 2 and half hours of singing live on stage.
    My vote is and has to be the 1960s.

  • Covergirl - 16 years ago

    It mostly depends on how old you are.
    Your formative years - i.e. teenage years will probably invoke the most evocative memories.

    However, in my case, it's the 70's for the pure formative years of guitar orientated rock music, but there WAS a lot of good music in every other decade and it would be a hard decision to make if you had to choose one decade to listen to for the rest of your life (Desert Island Discs stylee).

  • Andrei Kiisler - 16 years ago

    I think the best one is current. We have new music AND old music ;)
    The Strokes are probably the best in it!

    Second come 70s. Pink Floyd, Genesis, Deep Purple, Van Der Graaf Generator, Television, The Ramones, XTC!!!

    Third come 90s. Oasis!!!!! madferrit 8) Also Verve, Travis, ...

    Then 60s. Beatles!!! Stones!!! Kinks!!! Who!!! Floyd!!! to name just a few.

    80s come close. I hate that 80s production, BUT there was room for eternal gems like R.E.M. and Metallica ;)

    And 50s... well I do love Elvis, Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis :D

  • Boyishgirl - 16 years ago

    It's hard to say many of the eighties and nineties artists are still around:

    From the eighties; Madonna, Grace Jones, Marilyn, George, Smashing Pumpkins, The Cure, U2, Annie Lennox, Anita Baker, Shawn Colvin, Cindy Lauper still here.

    From the nineties: Cold Play, Sarah McLachlan, Pearl Jam, still here.

    Tina Turner will be 70 when she finishes her tour. Performers don't stay retired like they used to. That is a good thing.
    I've been here 4 a while now.

    Posts: 73
    Joined: Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:35 pm

  • Johnny 1989 - 16 years ago

    For each decade the best & worst years for me are:

    Best: 1983, 1984, 1985, 1987 & 1988 (1985 in particular)
    Worst: 1980

    Best: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1995 & 1997 (1997 in particular)
    Worst: 1994 & 1998

    Best: 2000, 2001, 2006, 2007 & 2008 (2001 in particular)
    Worst: 2003 & 2004

    2009 has also started off as a great year, so far.

  • Derek Smile - 16 years ago

    Late 60's-70's. Led Zeppelin, Cream, Hendrix.

  • Holly - 16 years ago

    Holy crap how could so many people vote that the 80s were the best. WORST. DECADE. EVER. Especially for music! There were a few good songs but come ON.
    ---End Quote---

    If you think the 80's had no good music.. you were obviously listening to the radio. There's some awesome music that came out of the 80s.. if you ignored commercial radio and the god awful thing that is mtv.

  • Oz Bloke - 16 years ago

    I'm going to go with:

    50's / Bebop Jazz -- Bird, Mingus, Monk, Coltrane, etc.

    60's / The Beatles and The British Invasion, Psychedelia and the beginnings of Heavy Metal, also Cool Jazz

    70's / Progressive Rock -- ELP, King Crimson, Jethro Tull, Yes, Pink Floyd

    Honorable mentions:
    80's / Punk
    90's / Industrial
    00's / don't yet know what will emerge as having been of lasting value.

  • Tina Street - 16 years ago

    70's hands down, not even close. Back in those days, you would wait a week and a new classic song would come out. Week in and week out great artists put out some great music constantly. But the 60s might be the best now that I think of it cause just as many hits were released just as often that influenced the later decades.

    The 90's had some cool hip-hop but most of that music was flavor of the month stuff that was forgotten almost as fast as it was a "hit"

  • Luke Wadington - 16 years ago

    I personally think the 70s were the most important decade for contemporary music. Rock developed into the pop formula it is today. Bluegrass and country invaded rock venues. Funk and soul influenced dozens of other genres. Reggae and ska inspired dancehall and hip hop. Disco created music specifically for clubs. Electronic music was introduced to the masses.

  • Hipster - 16 years ago

    Someone did soul better than Ray Charles? Someone did rock 'n' roll better than Elvis, Chuck or Buddy?

    The Beatles, Stones, Zep or Hendrix wouldn't have existed without Muddy, Chuck, Buddy and Elmore.

    There would have been no Stax or Motown without Ray, Sam Cooke, Jackie Wilson and others. Little Richard? He was Prince before Prince's parents could drink.

    And I haven't even mentioned rockabilly, which was punk 20 years before punk existed.

  • David W - 16 years ago

    The best decade for MUSIC? The '50s. No question. Jazz, blues, soul and rock &roll were either invented or redefined in the '50s. With the exception of the aforementioned Hank Williams and country music, everything we now call music was directly, indirectly or otherwise invented in the 50s. To argue otherwise is foolish.

  • Wilko - 16 years ago

    '70s - Bowie, Stooges, T.Rex, Roxy Music, Leonard Cohen, Eno, Funkadelic, the whole of Krautrock and heavy psychedelia across the world, punk, etc.

    You could definitely make a case for the '60s (even then it's more like '65-'69) and possibly '80s (much weaker) but anything else is wrong if we're talking about rock music.

    If I could pick any ten-year stretch it would be '67-'77.

  • Jack Black the 3rd - 16 years ago

    Gotta be the late 60's early 70's. led zep, beatles, hendrix, pink floyd, rolling stones, t-rex and so much much more

  • Anto Brophy - 16 years ago

    Not even a contest. Anyone who says anything other than the 60s is either tonedeaf or mentally ill.

  • 60's Chick - 16 years ago

    Yes, hard to pick one, good idea! So many good albums came out of the 60's, and the 70's and 80's!

    I'll go for the 60's.

    Love the site BTW.

  • kace - 16 years ago

    Yep, it's got to be the 70's. I was surprised the plurality agreed with me! (... So far anyway.) ... Great poll. I had to think for a minute. And the results are very interesting!

  • Sam Underhill - 16 years ago

    End of the 60's was so good for music. 67-69 gave us great albums from The Beatles, Stones, Dylan, Zeppelin, Hendrix, CSN&Y and so many others.

  • Billybob - 16 years ago

    That is a tough question. It all depends on what type of music really. I LOVE 60's music, but also being alive today, you can look back and enjoy so much music.

  • Joel - 16 years ago

    I think it's either the 70s or the 80s.
    I find that the music was more adventurous and experimental in the 70s, resulting in some very epic songs (with of course Bohemian Rhapsody as the absolute masterpiece of that era).

  • Geoff Wright - 16 years ago

    The best time for music is always right now.

  • Simon Cowell - 16 years ago

    I think the current decade is a lot worse than the 90s - all the "singers" from The Great American Karaoke Contest a/k/a American Idol, boy bands, Britney Spheres, Jessica Simpson, her sister, the pop music that's passed off as country.

    That's some awful s*** right there.

  • Lizzybird - 16 years ago

    Looking at my record collection (I still call them that), I guess there ARE several musical acts from the 1970's that I actually like.
    Fleetwood Mac (although I think they started in 1968 or so)
    James Taylor
    Dr. Hook & the Medicine Show
    Wings (I guess it's okay to admit I liked them)

  • Bigbitofrosie - 16 years ago

    Each decade had their high spots and low spots.

    I'm partial to the 70's (and yes I do have cajones to say that) The Eagles, Pink Floyd, Kiss, Queen, Rush, AC/DC, Nugent, Aerosmith, Skynyrd just to name a few

  • James P - 16 years ago

    70's (some of the best rock was in the 70's), then 80's (I was a big alternative fan) I think were the best, I think the 90's so far have been the worst.

  • Brad - 16 years ago

    50's / Elvis, Chuck Berry and Rock & Roll
    60's / The Beatles and The British Invasion, Psychedelia and the beginnings of Heavy Metal
    70's / Arena Rock, FM Radio, grox Drugs and Rock & Roll. And disco.
    80's / New Wave, Hair Metal and MTV
    90's / Grunge, Alternative, RockCountryPop blurring and Boy Groups
    00's / Every possible Genre and SubGenre and SubSubGenre imaginable

  • The editor - 16 years ago

    Which has been the best decade for music?

    Tell us what you think!

    50's, From Sinatra to Elvis & rock 'n roll
    60's, The Beatles to The Stones, Dylan, Flowerpower
    70's, Led Zeppelin, Glam rock - punk
    80's, Duran Duran, FM Rock
    90's, Nirvana, alt rock, pop - dance
    00's, R&B, Pop Idol, American Idol

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