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What is the single biggest reason that Walmart Health failed? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 350

  • Dales Brian - 7 months ago

    Unfortunately the decision was only made because they can make higher margins with the space by doing other things. Walmart doesn't benefit from "healthier communities" only from bringing in more $$.

  • Frank Poggio - 7 months ago

    I was a hospital CFO many many years ago and even back then we viewed primary care and pediatrics as ‘loss leaders’. Amazing that Walmart with all it’s powerful business and marketing talent couldn’t see that. There was no way they could make up the 'marketing loss' selling groceries, TVs, and diapers. Now if they added cosmetic surgery services they would have more than made up for the front end loss.

  • Tfoley - 7 months ago

    There was no differentiation of services - just another bigger box with more expensive executives that were disconnected from a transforming health system. That said, I don’t think Walmart is done with healthcare just yet. I see an acquisition coming.

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