'American Idol' Top 3: Who gave the best performance on Sunday, May 12?


  • Karen - 4 months ago

    I think Jack Blocker is terrible. He is not in the same league as the other 4 contestants. I cannot believe he made the top 3. I don't know if any one caught it, but Lionel Ritchie' face when they called Bockers name was stunned and also Katy Perry. I don't think they think he should be in top 3, and I sure dont.

  • Ann smith - 4 months ago

    Will should win this because the female singer isn't that great a singer

  • Angela - 4 months ago

    Do not be ass o penny no will win or Jack blocker will

  • Janet Galm - 4 months ago

    Will and Jack and Triston should of been the top 3. Abi has an attitude like she is the best or better than anyone else.

  • Angela - 4 months ago

    Do not be ass o penny no will win or Jack blocker will

  • Penny - 4 months ago

    Jack is adorable, but wildly less talented than Triston. It's the cute white boy factor again and it's gone too far this time. McKenna, Triston and Abi should be the top three.
    Abi had better win. Nothing wrong with Will except stage presence. I wanted Emmy to stay longer, but I imagine she has some record deals coming her way regardless.
    I fully expected Abi and Triston to fight for the title. Can fan outrage do anything to bring him back?

  • Angela - 4 months ago

    I want will moseley and my mom want will moseley to win this

  • Louise Caudle - 4 months ago

    There’s no way Triston Harper should have gone home. Somebody got it wrong.
    If Will Mosley doesn’t win next week I won’t be watching next season JS
    This show has been a joke this season
    Triston has out performed better than Abi and Blocker every show. CHECK YOURSELVES AI

  • Charlie - 4 months ago

    Way to go America these are definitely the best three there's no pity party in these ones like previous winners the one with the biggest titty story wins not this time Abi should take it all keep up the good work

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