Did 'American Idol' voters get it right in Season 22?


  • PS - 7 months ago

    This question should not even be asked, America voted and now someone out there has to let some of the air out of the excitement baloon. Who would you have vote? Only people over the age of 40, or just females 16 to 60. Or males 25 to 60. Everyone has an opinon and yours should have been in the vote. They all were talented and brave and so many of the contestants witll benefit from the show, which was well produced and extemely well orchestrated. There is enough negativity in the world right now let just enjoy watching some very talented people perform and not ruin what was a very entertaining production.

  • Linda M Tippett-Leary - 7 months ago

    Don't know what you guys are listening to - Abi third? Seriously! Jack is cute, beautiful smile - ok singer, a good entertainer, but a lot of guys more talented than he is got bypassed.

    i pegged Abi for the win from the start right on America!

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