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Hugh Jackman is getting rave reviews but is he the best Oscar host ever? Who is your favourite?


  • Slinky Slowfoot - 15 years ago

    What a travesty! Letterman outdid Crystal and Carson for being above the fray. "Oprah?! Uma?! ... Uma?! Oprah?!" No finer moment in Oscar history!

  • Wendy Taylor - 15 years ago

    Perhaps the readership is too young to appreciate Johnny Carson, but again, the movie star world was a little different back then. He kept the magic without the love-fest. Agreed; Jackman has hoofing and singing talent, but absolutely no charisma. He looked to be blindly following exactly what he was told to do, huffing and puffing through the numbers. Carson was famous for not doing what he was told to do, and the audience treated to an MC without equal, before or since. Maybe Billy Crystal runs a close second but always looked like he was trying too hard to outdo Johnny. Long may his spirit reign.

  • KRB - 15 years ago

    What? No Letterman option?

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