Who won the first presidential debate?


  • Stylianos - 4 days ago

    Donald Trump could have pleaded the 5th and not answered any of the question and Biden would still bury himself in that debate by showing the entire broadcast world just how far his senile decline has been. 10 minutes into the debate Biden had frozen longer that an internet access on dial up mode from the mid 90’s. Rarely could you understand an entire full sentence. CNN who has hidden the many Gaffes of Biden over the years by not airing them to their army of brainwashed viewers could not use the fact that nobody in their right mind could pick Biden over anyone else with a pulse and critical thinking let alone vs. Trump who is still sharp, a confident leader and a success in the past on the economy and keeping inflation near zero. I’ve read some liberal articles today saying that even a comatose Biden would be a better pick than Trump but the American people , even the brainwashed liberals are waking up instead of being “woke” and are dumping Biden. Many of those Biden voters who still hate Trump will likely give their vote to RFK junior , which would explain why Biden keeps turning down the request for security patrol on RFK junior even after two assasination attempts on RFK Juniors life per the independent nominees own testimony. The reality of the polls is more like 90% k ow Trump won the debates but many liberals still blinded by their brainwashed hate for Trump will not admit what they saw with their own eyes because of their “pride” in admitting they were wrong about their commander in cheif. Trump could have fared better and may not have done as well in a debate vs RFK junior but the liberal democrat Party have made their bed when they basically banished him from the Party for daring to go against party lines and saying anything negative about a mandated Vaccine that shamed people for not taking it . RFK junior was the democrats best choice as a nominee but the puppet masters of that party saw that RFK Junior cannot be bought and controlled by big pharma and green energy lobbyists like Biden was and therefore he was Banished. This is not your Bill Clinton’s Democratic Party anymore but a fascist party that claims the other party is the fascist in the most hypocritical of ways.

  • Rodney VanZuiden - 4 days ago

    Everyone lost. There was no winner. Biden was found wanting, not the strong leader he should have shown. Trump lied about facts of his term, and most of the debate issuing personal attacks on Biden. The worst of the debate is that the American people lost. Neither candidate is a viable to assume the Presidency. Each party can do better.

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