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Are you taking part in any Canada Day festivities?

Total Votes: 8,088

  • Mandy - 2 days ago

    People need to get some perspective on what the rest of the world is like. Yes this country has problems and of course there is room for improvement, but we are fortunate enough to live in a democracy, and shouldn’t take that for granted. We should all be grateful for what our country offers and motivated to make it a better place for EVERYONE!

  • Don - 2 days ago

    Hard to get excited about Canada Day ,, especially in downtown Victoria, the mess created by this and the previous Mayor and council is shameful, sad

  • CF86 - 3 days ago

    Canada is not worth celebrating anymore this country has become a shit hole and not much better than a third world country maybe a second world country at best

  • AJ - 4 days ago

    There are much better things to do than getting caught up in crowds and noise. Too many people around, tourists everywhere. No thanks

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