I always thought that presidential immunity (in their capacity is president only) was always a given. I don't know if it's written down in the Constitution but maybe the Democrats just needed something thrown in their face to make them get it.
Annie - 5 months ago
I support it as long as their actions are Constitutional and agree with federal law. We do not have a monarchy but a Constitutional Republic. Read the comments of Clarence Thomas.
Sue - 5 months ago
The left hates it cause it doesn’t help all their court cases against Trump. But down the road might save Joe’s ass after he leaves the White House
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I always thought that presidential immunity (in their capacity is president only) was always a given. I don't know if it's written down in the Constitution but maybe the Democrats just needed something thrown in their face to make them get it.
I support it as long as their actions are Constitutional and agree with federal law. We do not have a monarchy but a Constitutional Republic. Read the comments of Clarence Thomas.
The left hates it cause it doesn’t help all their court cases against Trump. But down the road might save Joe’s ass after he leaves the White House