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Do you support mail-in ballots


  • Mary - 2 months ago

    My mother is 89 & has trouble walking. She should be able to vote by mail. I also have many medical conditions and usually vote by mail as does my disabled brother.
    I don’t think just anyone should be able to vote by mail. But I think the disabled and seniors that choose to should be able to.

  • Nancy Reid - 2 months ago

    I believe "registered senior" voters should be able to vote by mail. I have voted that way for over 10 years. If I had to go stand in line at the polls I would vote less often.

  • Debbie Brooks - 2 months ago

    Mail in voting should only be allowed for military and CERTIFIED infirm people. But there needs to be a way to positively ID, such as a fingerprint or copy of DL or ID.

  • Patricia winkleman - 2 months ago

    Voting should be in person unless you are in the military. It makes it easy to stuff ballot boxes and to vote illegally with fictious resident addresses and vote multiple times without going through any supervision by the board of elections hired to check.aAlso photo ID and only paper ballots should be used to assure election integrity.

  • Carole - 2 months ago

    I said a resounding "NO." I think people on here are getting confused between absentee ballots and mail in ones. With absentee ballots, you have to request one. And must state a reason you're unable to show up in person on Election Day. Mail in ballots are sent out to EVERY registered voter (no request required). Absentee ballots are great for the elderly, disabled, and military over seas. With mail in ballots, there's potential for fraud.

  • Carole - 2 months ago

    I said a resounding "NO." I think people on here are getting confused between absentee ballots and mail in ones. With absentee ballots, you have to request one. And must state a reason you're unable to show up in person on Election Day. Mail in ballots are sent out to EVERY registered voter (no request required). Absentee ballots are great for the elderly, disabled, and military over seas. With mail in ballots, there's potential for fraud.

  • Jeri - 2 months ago

    This is actually a yes and no question. I think mail in ballots should be only for the veterans who are not in their home state or overseas, people who has a disability and can't get to the polls and to some people who have to travel for their jobs. There is always an exception to the rule but lately things have just gone way out of hand.

  • Sherry Larson - 2 months ago

    It is too easy to use for cheating and ballot box stuffing.

  • Cheryl Campbell - 2 months ago

    I support mail-in vote due to disability and being unable to stand in a line. I wish that fraud could be prevented maybe by a reference number as a check for a truly requested ballot. I do not support unrequested blanket mail outs.

  • Karen Nies - 2 months ago

    I requested a mail in ballot. Where I live a lot of time I can't make it the 10 miles to the voting polls. I think as long as you request it and are registered to vote.

  • Alicia - 2 months ago

    I voted no because there was not a vote for truly disabled. My mother voted by mail once she was not able to stand in long lines. There were no drop boxes because they were MAILED like not dropped off. It wasn’t a real big problem until the democrats changed the rules in 2020 and it become an issue. Even if people vote by mail it needs to be just that MAILED. Here in Texas at least where I vote you can vote using the same check in procedures as in person but you stay in your car a someone will bring out a voting machine to you or you can legally cut in line so you won’t have to wait.

  • Fred - 2 months ago

    Only for REAL disabled people with ID attached and the military. I believe all voters need to present IS to vote period

  • Susanne Schuster - 2 months ago

    I think this is a mute question as eventually we will be able to vote from ho.e on our phones and computers using the QFS

  • Laurel Snider - 2 months ago

    I understand the reason why a lot of you don't like it because of corruption however what about all the disabled people who want to vote but don't have the means to get to a polling place. I'm disabled I use wheelchair and I have no vehicle. So I have been mailing my ballots in since I got disabled. It should be a reason you have a mail in it should not be given to everybody just for the sake of it.

  • Sarah Ahlstrom - 2 months ago

    I'm a Texas resident but spend some months in NM so I deal with the girls at the Courthouse & they send me My BALLOT and zi call to make sure they've received it plus I send it in a larger envelope so Noone knows what I'm mailing! First time I was in Ohio & did the same thing since I was there 3 months seeing my 3 Drs.2015 then 2019 was in NM..sent my Voters Registration Card each time Plus a copy of my Driver's License with my photo..Other than situations like I've had..NO..unless it's a legitimate reason!

  • Susan Storino - 2 months ago

    I’ve only used an absentee ballot once in my years of voting, because I was going to be out of the country. Other than that, with 6:00am - 9:00pm voting available in New York, I’ve never missed an election. Normally, with an absentee ballot, the registered voter must apply with their reason for not voting in person, and based on that, it’s decided if they’ll send the ballot to you to fill out and return. I’m not exactly sure if this is still the procedure for “mail- in ballots. I do know that during Covid my local school board sent just a ballot to fill out to I believe everyone, which I questioned, and had a debate over this “mail-in form without being mailed out as opposed to applying for the ballot. When you allow this type of lazy voting, you end up with voters that are clueless to the issues. With exceptions of course, if people are too inconvenienced to vote in person, they should stay home.

  • Gc - 2 months ago

    We know this is how the Dems cheated before. Mail in ballots have always been for the disable or military but you had to show proof of that.
    We had election month.
    No ballots after midnight counted on Election Day. ( plenty of time to mail in early.)
    If Biden is installed again this country will be in another war and if you don’t have an electric car , you are walking.

  • Jennifer - 2 months ago

    I used to wholeheartedly support mail in but it’s been so corrupted that I don’t trust it anymore. I think any attempt to limit it to military and handicapped would be impossible to oversee.

  • Jodi - 2 months ago

    I think, like many others, that the ONLY people who should vote with mail-in ballots are the Military and disabled. That's all. No one else!!

  • Donna Fortunato - 2 months ago

    I am handicapped. Vote mail in ballot. They check my signature with one in registry book. I trust the workers.

  • Sue - 2 months ago

    I support the mail in ballot for the military. Everyone else should vote in person!

  • Elaine Pullium - 2 months ago

    I would be for mail in for elderly and disabled voters. My husband was able to vote since he was too ill to go to vote.

  • Joanne Markovic - 2 months ago

    I said yes. Should be for the elderly who are unable and have nobody to take them along with military WH I are out of the country.

  • Joanne Markovic - 2 months ago

    I said yes. Should be for the elderly who are unable and have nobody to take them along with military WH I are out of the country.

  • Diane Perrone - 2 months ago

    I am a senior that is disabled and can’t get to a voting place anymore for about 10 years. I do worry about this convince being used for illegal votes. I hope this convince doesn’t become no longer allowed. I would no longer be able to vote if this stops.

  • LolitaLopez - 2 months ago

    I was always against this until I became quite handicapped. Now to ensure I get to vote I had to put in for mail- in . I wish somehow they could know who really needs this and who is capable of going to the polls.

  • Kathy - 2 months ago

    I agree with Teri! Blanket mail in ballots are just a chance to cheat. I support legal reasons to allow mail in ballots.

  • Teri Dawson - 2 months ago

    I don’t support blanket mail in ballots. I do support mail in ballots for elderly and disabled individuals

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