Did Biden's Big Boy Press Conference save his candidacy?


  • ChaMar - 1 month ago

    So sad to see one person deterioration due to any type of Dementia and Alzheimer’s . Can’t understand why his family is exposing him to all of this. That’s seniors abused and any one of us will be already in prison. I blame his family, his doctors and his cabinet, this is plain and simple an abuse. Anyway let him run because if he wins it will prove what we all know the 2020 elections as well as this ones are election fraud, fixed, stolen!!l

  • Fred - 1 month ago

    Let him run. We will guaranteed a Red win

  • Linda - 1 month ago

    It just proves even more that this POS was never qualified for the presidency!!! He was installed so they could destroy OUR beloved country!!! We need President Trump back!!!!!!!!!! Dear God for the love of our country!!!!!

  • Ellen Foust - 1 month ago

    The outcome was baked into the cake - the presser was all for show, with the hope from the powers that be for Joe to flop even worse than he did.

  • Jan - 1 month ago

    I really want to know what planet the people who voted yes and unsure are from???? Based on his mental capacity and confusion which was very evident during the press conference , it should be a resounding NO vote 100%. I don’t get it unless the voters are solely thinking that he is unfit but the Dems will keep him in there because they don’t have a plan going forward

  • Kim Konialian - 1 month ago

    Where’s the LMA0 button????

  • Connie L - 1 month ago

    He was his normal scary and creepy only with better makeup & probably more drugs.

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