What's the best way for the state to raise revenues?


  • Roy - 16 years ago

    We keep hearing that we have not seen higher gas tax in many years, but we don't get reminded of the many other taxes and fees we are paying more in.
    Excise, water, trash, TOLLS,High property taxes.
    Lars has a great point, the majority of people keep the same tax hiking leberals in office.

  • Lars - 16 years ago

    Funny how the majority of poll respondants are all for cutting spending yet we continue to elect democrats in this state. When are we going to finally recognize the correlation between higher taxes and dems.

  • Ron Gaines - 16 years ago

    Come on, give us a break, higher tolls, higher gas taxes....people out of work, losing their homes, where will it end. Just cut back on services to save money.

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