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Should Secret Service be investigated?


  • Bev - 2 months ago

    Could this be some of Obama 23.000 Army he was getting before he left office ( that when he called they did what he said). Clintons and Obama if someone is in the way they die.

  • Lori - 2 months ago

    After watching Dinesh D’Souza yesterday (7/14/24) Secret Service most definitely should be investigated. Watch it here:

  • Alyce Larsob - 2 months ago

    They absolutely should be investigated. But not by the CIA or FBI. They are corrupt too. This investigation must be non-partisan. We The People have had ENOUGH!

  • Y - 2 months ago

    Yes, Secret Service should be investigated. But being investigated by the FBI leaves much to be desired. I really don’t trust the FBI or the CIA. Could it be that the Secret Service is shortstaffed? I read that some of those people were not full-time Secret Service agents. Not sure if that’s true. He needs people around him that he can trust. it’s very sad situation.

  • Dave - 2 months ago

    Who is gonna investigate the SS? The FBI? I personally dont trust any government. They all suck. Dems, Republicans, congress, senate, anyone who goes on any sort of media news is a sniveling rat. The only reason i tolerate Trump is cause he is not a career politician. Clearly the best candidate to fix this broken mess that Obama bestowed upon this nation, obama is the true poster child of a huge pile of Shit. So again the only people investigating this should be a private investigator hired by the Trump campaign.

  • Juanita Hill - 2 months ago

    Should fired every one of the secret service that was there.

  • Nancy - 2 months ago

    The two men on the roof had the killer in their sights but waited to shoot him until he shot first. Why?? Watch the video

  • Nancy - 2 months ago

    And, the CiA!!! This smells similar to the Kennedy Assassination in 1963 where sadly the cover up still exists today!

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