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Is Canada spending too much money on the war in Afghanistan?


  • Andrw - 15 years ago

    canada has spent over 16.5 billon in the last 2 years and wants to spend 60 bill

  • kaelen - 15 years ago

    Im trying to find out how much money canada spends on the war in afghanistan and I found this poll.

    yes there spending too much.

    but wtf how much is it? how come it doesn't say on the poll itself, wtf seriously I want to know. Ill continue my search elswhere, but whoever made this poll left out some critical information. lol

  • DrZin - 16 years ago

    I totally agree: why should Canada have to pay for security? Europe doesn't; well, Western Europe doesn't. Japan picks up a just fraction of their security costs.

    We don't need any more war: as soon as we show that we're unwilling to fight no matter what, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Iran, North Korea, Russia, and China will stop being so agressive.

    Look at America: Obama understands that America has enough capital to take care of all of the needs of everyone in the world. Whatever might be necessary, it's best to let the Americans take care of it. Except for war, because even if for example, Germany invaded Poland and France and some other countries, there'd be no reason to make war which would just make the situation worse.

  • Norma - 16 years ago

    The day that Canadians leave Afghanistan will be the same as the day before the Canadians left Afghanistan. Whatever was gained while the Canadians were there will be obliterated when they leave and the Canadian casualties and the millions/billions spent by Canada will have been for naught.

  • Diver - 16 years ago

    How soon we forget! Remember Sept 11th? We are in Afghanistan because the Taliban made the country a bastion for terrorism. Most western countries supported the war in order to prevent future attacks on our countries. It wasn't to "mollify" the Americans because of our non-support for Iraq. Iraq hadn't occured when we first went to Afghanistan. This war is also supported by NATO and when I last checked we were still part of NATO. We are still there in an attempt to prevent Afghanistan from becoming the worlds major terrorist base again. It's too bad the Americans distracted themselves with the dumb war in Iraq. Otherwise the whole thing may have been over by now. Maybe they were relying too much on the European NATO allies to actually do their share.

  • Bobcat2009 - 16 years ago

    We're in Afghanistan because we didn't support the U.S. in Iraq. We had to mollify the Americans. Once Allied forces leave Afghanistan the Taliban will sweep through and destroy the opposition just like they did after the Russians left. The Brits lost 16,000 men in Afghanistan in the 1800's. That was a lesson and those who ignore the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.

  • armida spada-mcdougall - 16 years ago

    The question should be "why are we in Afghanistan"? And to this day, I still dont know why and the government has failed to tell us why we are there. They did tell us its to protect our interests. What interests are those? Russia was in there for 10 years and came out of Afghanistan defeated. What do we hope to achieve? Our military is small, our personnel is badly equipped, our fighting men and women risk coming home in body bags or so badly injured they are unfit for any kind of work once they get back.
    So I'll ask again. Why are we there?

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