Should flag burners face a 1-year jail sentence?


  • Debbie - 1 month ago

    Hi Dennis,

    If we burned a flag in another country we would be arrested! I think if anyone in the US burns the flag of the United States of American, the people involved in the burning should be arrested.

    They should also be removed from our country if they do not respect our flag!

  • Duane - 1 month ago

    1 full year period should be enough, and no time off for good behavior.

  • Duane - 1 month ago

    To Shelly, the point is these flag burners aren’t burning their own flags, but if you burn BLM or LGPT???? Flags it’s a hate crime and look at all the Palestinians burning our Flag as well as Israel’s flag.

  • Shelly - 1 month ago

    I voted No bc it is part of our rights to burn our own US flag, meaning one we purchased, even though I find it repulsive. However, burning someone else’s US flag should warrant a vandalism charge & then go through the legal process.

  • Jeff - 1 month ago

    The easy answer is yes but the constitution says no and we are bound to freedom of speech and expression wether we like it or not.
    I put unsure hoping there can be a way around it but I don't see that happening.

  • Richard Anderson - 1 month ago

    Punishment for sure. Maybe a fine or community service. I am not sure if a jail sentence would work out. I bet cases would be dropped in May cases.

  • Ellen Foust - 1 month ago

    I agree with those who would rather see at least a 5-year sentence for burning our flag as a demonstration of their hatred for America.

  • Ellen Foust - 1 month ago

    I agree with those who would rather see at least a 5-year sentence for burning our flag as a demonstration of their hatred for America.

  • Linda chabot - 1 month ago

    Boy oh boy, I would say throw them in jail then throw away the key! This is beyond disrespectful. If you feel the need to do this then why not just move out of USA and don't let the door kick you in the ass, is all I'm saying

  • Pyretta - 1 month ago

    I feel it should be 5 years. Then you’ll never see it happen again!

  • ChaMar - 1 month ago

    Burning our flag and vandalized monuments is not free speech it is hate and terrorism and should not be tolerated. A year in prison is too little it should be more and also they should be put to clean all their vandalized acts. Those who vandalized properties should be held accountable that’s not free speech!!!

  • Sue - 1 month ago

    I think it should be a lot longer. Then deport them to wherever the Palestine state is, don’t know that there is one!

  • Debbie Hough - 1 month ago

    I feel it should be longer than a one year sentence. it just hurts all the way to the heart to see someone burn our flag. So disrespectful and hate for our country when you stand and burn our flag. It is like a spit in the face like the Vietnam veterans got.

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