Do you believe Iran was involved with the Trump assassination attempt?


  • Mary - 1 month ago

    The Democratic party has a long history of "accidents" ,"suicides" and unsolved murders on their list going back to Kennedy. The Clinton's have an especially long list of people who knew too much or were in their way and Obama has at least 1 or 2 suspicious death's surrounding him. Trump is in their way and they want him gone! They tried for prison & bankruptcy but those didn't work so they have to take him out. May GOD and his Angels watch over Donald Trump and J.D. Vance and continue to keep them safe.

  • Mary - 1 month ago

    The Democratic party has a long history of "accidents" ,"suicides" and unsolved murders on their list going back to Kennedy. The Clinton's have an especially long list of people who knew too much or were in their way and Obama has at least 1 or 2 suspicious death's surrounding him. Trump is in their way and they want him gone! They tried for prison & bankruptcy but those didn't work so they have to take him out. May GOD and his Angels watch over Donald Trump and J.D. Vance and continue to keep them safe.

  • Steve norman - 1 month ago

    I believe the Biden administration along with all it's crony alphabet agencies tried to murder trump. And are now trying to deflect that narrative. Hard to blame Russia, after all trump and Russia are in collusion - right, right?

  • Dana - 1 month ago

    My inclining is towards the Iran claim being an attempt to deflect blame and help escalate tensions towards war between the US and Iran. Can we trust anything they say?

  • Douglas Thomle - 1 month ago

    I think it was deep state actors within DHS, FBI and the Secret Service. It would not be the first time.

  • Mike - 1 month ago

    I don’t discount the Iranians involvement. I do know they want a Democrat administration , who made them rich and powerful by shutting down American Energy and using their money to fund Anti American and anti Israel Terrorists. They are funding Anti Trump propaganda.

  • Kathy - 1 month ago

    I agree with Terry. The shooter wasn't sharp enough to do it on his own. He had inside help and still wasn't capable. Terrorists are basically cowards but even then they love to take credit for this type of thing. So it's hard to believe they wouldn't be gleeful to say it was their plan if it was!!!

  • Terry - 1 month ago

    I believe it was an inside job. That 20 year old kid didn't have the ability to pull this off and encrypted emails accounts out of the country. Too much of what's coming out makes it obvious

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