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Do you support Trump's proposal to end Social Security taxes for seniors?


  • Debbie - 1 month ago

    Hi Dennis,

    It’s sounds so good to not pay SS Taxes, but this is not a yes or no answer. It really comes down to how will SS sustain itself for the future & what will be cut in order for it to continue without running dry? I clicked on “unsure” for this reason.

  • Dana - 1 month ago

    OK, I would like to see the explanations of the people who voted "No" and "Unsure.

  • Mike - 1 month ago

    Oh hell yeah, Good comment Sandy agree .

  • Mike - 1 month ago

    Oh hell Yeah: Good comment Sandy .

  • Terry Delia - 1 month ago

    The $$$ not paid in taxes will re-enter our economy. Sort of like a stimulus for businesses.

  • Sandy - 1 month ago

    Since I am Penalized a whopping $1000 for windfall tax and only bring in $300 even though I paid ALl my quarter into. The punzie scheme where immigrants who DID NOT pay into system get benefits it shouldn’t be taxed ! It’s where if you are legally here no one care if you have funds to eat, pay bills, buy med as you age! Rather put you in a home to forget seniors exists! We are becoming the forgotten generation who worked over 40 years to lose everything!
    No taxes No windfall penalty at least give us a senior card either the $4000 a month given to illegal who ship it back to foreign countries to bring more illegal here while natural born long term citizens give up hope, lose homes …

  • Paul - 1 month ago

    And I also would like seniors to stop paying school taxes since our children are all in their 40s

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