It’s tacky for Mr. Trump to talk about his opponent. He needs to talk about HOW we’ll be great again with him.
Tell him I said to man-up.
Donna - 4 months ago
There is no other person Strong enough who could hold up under the injustice that President TRUMP HAS TAKEN!!!!! WHY WOULD ANYONE THINK ABOUT VOTING FOR SOMEONE like (Kamala Harris).! She wants to Do AwaY with MEDICare!!!! She wants the. US GOVERMENT TO PAY FOR THE ILEGAL SEX CHANGES AND THERE ABORTIONS❗❗❗ The immigrants have taken over with American jobs. Our veterans HAD TO LEAVE THEIR HOUSING FACILITY TO GIVE IMMIGRANTS A RIGHT TO MOVE INTO THEIR PLACE❗❗❗❗❗ Our PRESIDENTS ARE TO TAKE CARE OF US AMERICANS FIRST ❗NOT TO HELP OUR ENEMIES
Ramona Batista - 4 months ago
Please tell DT to refrain from stooping to that level of rhetoric. He doesn't need to attack anyone personally. He has a track record to stand on: the Security of our Nation, the wall. The immigration problem. Our economy. The politized branches of our government. The job market was better under Trump. Housing was affordable 4 years ago, for my grown children, not so much. They attack you because they know you speak the truth. And I am surprised by their name calling of you is not considered hate speech. Don't let yourself be drawn into these traps made up by twisted lies, you are not a fool, so don't let them draw you in, don't waste your time. You may cite their poor policy record-----------I know a lot about your opponent and the democrats and their track record of destroying our democracy. I feel it, my children feel it. Their policies are non-sense, and there is no common sense. And we know that our public education is not worthy of having our grandchildren being taught by these institutions, or should I say indoctrinated by them. Let me just take this excerpt from "If" by Rudyard Kipling..."if you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or Walk with Kings-nor lose the common touch, if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, if all men count with you, but none too much; If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds' worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And----which is more---you'll be a Man, my Son!" A win for you is a win for all the American People, we see your empathy, your outreach to the common person, we see your Love of Country. Please keep up the GOOD FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!!!! We don't believe in the Fake, Fake, Fake, manufactured propaganda. May God Bless You, and the United Stated of America!
Aramis - 4 months ago
The name calling should stop only if it's fair if they can continue to call him all kinds of names and reference him with all kinds of titles then he should do the same thing. I'd like them both to have more focus on their policies of course Kamala has none. But Trump should lay out all of his because America is in dire straits right now really really headed into a major major abyss
Steve - 4 months ago
I wish he would concentrate on the facts about his opponent, call out their lies and spins,and tell America what he will do differently and better to reverse the downward slide.
Mar - 4 months ago
There’s a big difference between him showing strength with words to his adversaries (both around the country and the world), and the immature name-calling to those he doesn’t like in order to get a laugh, fire up his base and to display how much he isn’t intimidated by those who oppose him.
Right now, especially during an election season, he needs to stay on task, stay classy and stick to the facts!!! There are a lot of unclaimed voters out there right now and he needs to demonstrate that he is the better choice to maturely get us out of this complete mess within our country and also show that he can also maturely handle world issues.
Hilgert Pat - 4 months ago
Yes because the people that are going to vote for him will and the people undecided don’t like that about him and need to see a reason to vote for him!
Dana - 4 months ago
I clicked Unsure.
On the one hand, as Ben Carson worded it, Trump had to be viscous and aggressive in order to compete in New York. It's a valid point. This is a part of how he takes things to the boxing rink, so to speak. Why should he pander to the "You hurt my feelings" narrative?
On the other hand, it does turn people off who might support him otherwise.
But he's a doer, not a panderer, a businessman, not a politician.
Azure stoker - 4 months ago
It’s time to talk about what Americans fears are and how he’s going to fix it. Stop acting like a child with name calling and let Americans know why they should choose Trump to better their lives and why Biden/Harris policies won’t. Bullet points instead of 2 hours of rambling.
OH and get RFK to the Fox debate which will force Kamala there…or make her look even more like an idiot!
The undecided vote is what we need! Using ‘on fire’ speakers like the young lady in Atlanta is the way to go! Let the ‘on fire’ younger speakers do the insults like “I wonder how Mrs Willy Brown feels?” President Trump focus on policy!
lucy bossbaly - 4 months ago
He should stick to his policies, not mention Biden or Harris, have people speak at rallies that came from communism and show clips of devastation from the Country they left behind and the outcome of socialist/communist government, how the Government is rich, and the people are left with nothing, how this this will happen if we vote for the wrong party. I have worked too hard and long to allow the government to control me, which is already happening, we need to close our borders, stop giving benefits that we as Americans are not entitled to, taxpayers are footing the bill for this disaster, we need to put our Veterans, Americans first, which I believe will only happen if President Trump is voted in.
Marisela Sanchez - 4 months ago
Please Please Please stick to the issues and the policies you are going to bring forward to address them.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the chosen nicknames for the cast of characters President Trump is dealing with. The nicknames work with the base but I don’t think they do well with the new voters he is trying to bring to his side.
Barb - 4 months ago
It doesn’t bother me, especially after what the left has put him through, but I do feel he hast to tone it down. Stick to the Issues and you will win overwhelmingly over Harris! I can’t wait for the first debate!
Jacqueline Hunn Wright - 4 months ago
Just stick to the issues and you will slaughter Harris!
Debbie - 4 months ago
Hi Dennis, I understand where Trump is coming from when he talks about Kamala’s race. At the beginning she pushed her Indian heritage & really didn’t acknowledge her father. She uses her black heritage when it’s convenient. She’s trying to get the black vote. She’s not a genuine person, we all know this. I voted “yes” because it’s just tit for tat, & it’s getting to the point where no matter what Trump says, they will have something to say about him. I’m just so sick of all this. What happened to the way Presidents used to conduct themselves? With dignity, respect & having normal debates where the public can see through the BS?
Trump needs to talk about what his plans are when he returns to the White House. Honestly, I really think the Kamala isn’t going to be President. I think that this is all a smokescreen. I just have this feeling. We know who’s really running the show behind closed doors.
Let’s see how this all pans out. Let’s see if they usher in someone else at the last minute. It’s really a shame how democratic society is so brainwashed. The Libs want her in because of abortion mostly & this last minute manoeuvre was to make them look good. Other countries don’t want Trump. They’d rather have Kamala so that they can control situations. Everything with the Democrats is their feelings. I just can’t even stomach watching her. She tries to look like she is in control, but she’s not! She makes all kinds of excuses not to debate Trump. She has no backbone, & she makes no sense whe she talks. When she can’t answer a question, she puts on the fake laugh. I really think she looks at her self in the mirror & practices that laugh - lol. I’ve never seen such backward thinking in my almost 69 years on this earth.
I pray that this Presidency is in our favor or we are so screwed!
Have a good night.
Deb - 4 months ago
He needs to stop reacting to them and be proactive by just keep comparing his policies to Biden/Harris policies, over and over again. Remind them how much better everything was when he was president.
J - 4 months ago
Selective use so it doesn’t get in the way of his facts and policies.Stick to truth about what they have done and what they are doing to America. Find name calling and insult slinging grade school behavior and of course they use it to be a distraction from his policies. So what would happen if he was the adult all the time? The word salad lady would not have a chance
Hildegard caulfield - 4 months ago
Trump will win if he stresses all his plans on each item over and over again. Making a graph sheet on where we are and where he plans to be on topics such as the border etc would show us rather than just talk. As they say talk is cheap
It is time for him to stop that for entertainment points and go after her horrible record, her incompetence as THE Border Czar. She was a train wreck in California, I used to live there. Her policies push racial division and DEI. She want open borders, abortion on demand up to birth or after. She is a Marxist and wants socialism, where there is no middle class, only the Elite and the very poor. The world will continue to burn under her.
It is time for him to stop that for entertainment points and go after her horrible record, her incompetence as THE Border Czar. She was a train wreck in California, I used to live there. Her policies push racial division and DEI. She want open borders, abortion on demand up to birth or after. She is a Marxist and wants socialism, where there is no middle class, only the Elite and the very poor. The world will continue to burn under her.
Gma2dawgz - 4 months ago
They can dish it out but can’t take it? Let Trump be Trump! It’s his nature. Are they’re feelings being hurt by his name calling? After the crap he’s put up with from them for years? It’s not gonna change one thing if he stops the name calling, it’s part of who he is, so i vote No. Let him be genuine.
Linda - 4 months ago
President Trump will always have my vote. President Trump is a strong, straight forward man who says what he thinks and I truly admire that about him. However, we have quite a few people that are easily hurt by such bluntness. They just can't handle the truth and need things sugar coated. It may be a good idea to tone down the name calling and stick to the issues at hand. We know that Harris is not capable of doing the job. Like Biden, she has been easily manipulated into believing she can run OUR COUNTRY! Stick to the facts and her track record and I believe we can open some eyes out there into seeing what she really is....INCOMPETENT!
Judy - 4 months ago
I do love DJT no matter what BUT I would rather he talk about what matters to his voters and stick to what he will do to help us get back to where we were when he was in office. I know so many people who hate how he focuses on things that aren’t important to their lives.
If you have an opportunity to share this poll with him or the campaign, please tell them to listen to the people that love him and stay focused on his accomplishments.
Richard Martin - 4 months ago
Let Harris hang herself like Biden did.old french saying " he who spits in the air falls on the face"
Mary R - 4 months ago
The name calling accomplishes nothing and it makes him almost as un likable as Kamala Harris.
Kathy - 4 months ago
In total agreement with everyone speaking out for Trump to be the President his supporters want to see in the White House. He has shown his abilities and those voting for him will NOT be swayed. BUT those that haven't decided may be. It's true the dems have put him thru a lot BUT can't he be mature enough to wait until he's in office then do his dumping!! It's certainly NOT WORTH IT if it costs the election!
Jan Camron - 4 months ago
Please stop giving them fodder to attack you with! We know how bad Kamala is as a person! Tell the public how her and joes bad policies have hurt the country and how you are going to fix them. The name calling is turning off a lot of people. love you Mr Trump!
Annie - 4 months ago
I said No, but it’s a very broad question. If they continue berating Trump, (Hitler Racist, Nazi), well then I don’t mind his comebacks, maybe just tone them down a little. If they stop then I say ok stop, Trump should hold back, stick to the issue’s because that’s where he will beat them.
Briarrose - 4 months ago
Pres Trump needs to stick to the things that matter, economy, immigration etc. slinging insults does nothing for me. I said the same thing when DeSantis was campaigning against Trump on truth social and got banned. Stay out of the past and look to the future.
Theresa - 4 months ago
Character counts,stooping to a level that is unbecoming is very childish way of gloating.
Nancy - 4 months ago
Perhaps tone it down somewhat. His style includes a special humor that defines his personality! “You’re fired” could be effective on those adversaries that cross a line on him! No need to use abrasive nicknames. If people are on the line of not voting for him based on his personality, they are not likely going to change their mind on the ballot. Closed minded people are empty headed!
Joan - 4 months ago
I have mixed feelings on this. I like that he tells it like it is, but there are much better ways of putting down the haters of our country. Just telling the true facts about their beliefs and behaviors would go a long way. Also reporting his facts and beliefs and what he has accomplished would help open the eyes of the blinded. Either way, I will be voting all red this coming election.
Terri - 4 months ago
It’s time to get the facts out on why they are the best candidates and discuss her failed policies. End the name calling… it’s not a professional or presidential look.
Steve Hardin - 4 months ago
Just stick to the Democrats failed policies and focus on the plan to fix them.
Gary Roper - 4 months ago
Focus on what you will do in the next 4 years. Tell what affects the current administration has caused like grocery prices, housing prices, mortgage rates and deadly drugs. Speak about the failures of the current administration. Focus on what improvements you will do to veterans and opportunity zones for low income areas. What you will accomplish for the auto workers and talk about parents rights in schools and gender in sports programs.
Gene - 4 months ago
President Trump has endured countless time of being attacked, accused, charged, and slandered. I can see where people think to be presidential you have to be nice. Well, he is a nice man. But he can take and give e it back when necessary. Has he gone too far? Perhaps! But, I defy anyone to tell me that they could've taken the kind of abuse he has for the past 7+ years and not counter attack. It is what makes Trump the man he is.
I don’t really see the point of it. It doesn’t further anything he’s great all on his own.
Lynn Harvey - 4 months ago
I also think he would get more small donor contributions.
Jeff - 4 months ago
Being the bigger man hasn't worked since before the 2016 election. There are times when he needs to lower himself to their maturity level so they can understand.
It’s tacky for Mr. Trump to talk about his opponent. He needs to talk about HOW we’ll be great again with him.
Tell him I said to man-up.
There is no other person Strong enough who could hold up under the injustice that President TRUMP HAS TAKEN!!!!! WHY WOULD ANYONE THINK ABOUT VOTING FOR SOMEONE like (Kamala Harris).! She wants to Do AwaY with MEDICare!!!! She wants the. US GOVERMENT TO PAY FOR THE ILEGAL SEX CHANGES AND THERE ABORTIONS❗❗❗ The immigrants have taken over with American jobs. Our veterans HAD TO LEAVE THEIR HOUSING FACILITY TO GIVE IMMIGRANTS A RIGHT TO MOVE INTO THEIR PLACE❗❗❗❗❗ Our PRESIDENTS ARE TO TAKE CARE OF US AMERICANS FIRST ❗NOT TO HELP OUR ENEMIES
Please tell DT to refrain from stooping to that level of rhetoric. He doesn't need to attack anyone personally. He has a track record to stand on: the Security of our Nation, the wall. The immigration problem. Our economy. The politized branches of our government. The job market was better under Trump. Housing was affordable 4 years ago, for my grown children, not so much. They attack you because they know you speak the truth. And I am surprised by their name calling of you is not considered hate speech. Don't let yourself be drawn into these traps made up by twisted lies, you are not a fool, so don't let them draw you in, don't waste your time. You may cite their poor policy record-----------I know a lot about your opponent and the democrats and their track record of destroying our democracy. I feel it, my children feel it. Their policies are non-sense, and there is no common sense. And we know that our public education is not worthy of having our grandchildren being taught by these institutions, or should I say indoctrinated by them. Let me just take this excerpt from "If" by Rudyard Kipling..."if you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or Walk with Kings-nor lose the common touch, if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, if all men count with you, but none too much; If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds' worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And----which is more---you'll be a Man, my Son!" A win for you is a win for all the American People, we see your empathy, your outreach to the common person, we see your Love of Country. Please keep up the GOOD FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!!!! We don't believe in the Fake, Fake, Fake, manufactured propaganda. May God Bless You, and the United Stated of America!
The name calling should stop only if it's fair if they can continue to call him all kinds of names and reference him with all kinds of titles then he should do the same thing. I'd like them both to have more focus on their policies of course Kamala has none. But Trump should lay out all of his because America is in dire straits right now really really headed into a major major abyss
I wish he would concentrate on the facts about his opponent, call out their lies and spins,and tell America what he will do differently and better to reverse the downward slide.
There’s a big difference between him showing strength with words to his adversaries (both around the country and the world), and the immature name-calling to those he doesn’t like in order to get a laugh, fire up his base and to display how much he isn’t intimidated by those who oppose him.
Right now, especially during an election season, he needs to stay on task, stay classy and stick to the facts!!! There are a lot of unclaimed voters out there right now and he needs to demonstrate that he is the better choice to maturely get us out of this complete mess within our country and also show that he can also maturely handle world issues.
Yes because the people that are going to vote for him will and the people undecided don’t like that about him and need to see a reason to vote for him!
I clicked Unsure.
On the one hand, as Ben Carson worded it, Trump had to be viscous and aggressive in order to compete in New York. It's a valid point. This is a part of how he takes things to the boxing rink, so to speak. Why should he pander to the "You hurt my feelings" narrative?
On the other hand, it does turn people off who might support him otherwise.
But he's a doer, not a panderer, a businessman, not a politician.
It’s time to talk about what Americans fears are and how he’s going to fix it. Stop acting like a child with name calling and let Americans know why they should choose Trump to better their lives and why Biden/Harris policies won’t. Bullet points instead of 2 hours of rambling.
OH and get RFK to the Fox debate which will force Kamala there…or make her look even more like an idiot!
The undecided vote is what we need! Using ‘on fire’ speakers like the young lady in Atlanta is the way to go! Let the ‘on fire’ younger speakers do the insults like “I wonder how Mrs Willy Brown feels?” President Trump focus on policy!
He should stick to his policies, not mention Biden or Harris, have people speak at rallies that came from communism and show clips of devastation from the Country they left behind and the outcome of socialist/communist government, how the Government is rich, and the people are left with nothing, how this this will happen if we vote for the wrong party. I have worked too hard and long to allow the government to control me, which is already happening, we need to close our borders, stop giving benefits that we as Americans are not entitled to, taxpayers are footing the bill for this disaster, we need to put our Veterans, Americans first, which I believe will only happen if President Trump is voted in.
Please Please Please stick to the issues and the policies you are going to bring forward to address them.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the chosen nicknames for the cast of characters President Trump is dealing with. The nicknames work with the base but I don’t think they do well with the new voters he is trying to bring to his side.
It doesn’t bother me, especially after what the left has put him through, but I do feel he hast to tone it down. Stick to the Issues and you will win overwhelmingly over Harris! I can’t wait for the first debate!
Just stick to the issues and you will slaughter Harris!
Hi Dennis, I understand where Trump is coming from when he talks about Kamala’s race. At the beginning she pushed her Indian heritage & really didn’t acknowledge her father. She uses her black heritage when it’s convenient. She’s trying to get the black vote. She’s not a genuine person, we all know this. I voted “yes” because it’s just tit for tat, & it’s getting to the point where no matter what Trump says, they will have something to say about him. I’m just so sick of all this. What happened to the way Presidents used to conduct themselves? With dignity, respect & having normal debates where the public can see through the BS?
Trump needs to talk about what his plans are when he returns to the White House. Honestly, I really think the Kamala isn’t going to be President. I think that this is all a smokescreen. I just have this feeling. We know who’s really running the show behind closed doors.
Let’s see how this all pans out. Let’s see if they usher in someone else at the last minute. It’s really a shame how democratic society is so brainwashed. The Libs want her in because of abortion mostly & this last minute manoeuvre was to make them look good. Other countries don’t want Trump. They’d rather have Kamala so that they can control situations. Everything with the Democrats is their feelings. I just can’t even stomach watching her. She tries to look like she is in control, but she’s not! She makes all kinds of excuses not to debate Trump. She has no backbone, & she makes no sense whe she talks. When she can’t answer a question, she puts on the fake laugh. I really think she looks at her self in the mirror & practices that laugh - lol. I’ve never seen such backward thinking in my almost 69 years on this earth.
I pray that this Presidency is in our favor or we are so screwed!
Have a good night.
He needs to stop reacting to them and be proactive by just keep comparing his policies to Biden/Harris policies, over and over again. Remind them how much better everything was when he was president.
Selective use so it doesn’t get in the way of his facts and policies.Stick to truth about what they have done and what they are doing to America. Find name calling and insult slinging grade school behavior and of course they use it to be a distraction from his policies. So what would happen if he was the adult all the time? The word salad lady would not have a chance
Trump will win if he stresses all his plans on each item over and over again. Making a graph sheet on where we are and where he plans to be on topics such as the border etc would show us rather than just talk. As they say talk is cheap
It is time for him to stop that for entertainment points and go after her horrible record, her incompetence as THE Border Czar. She was a train wreck in California, I used to live there. Her policies push racial division and DEI. She want open borders, abortion on demand up to birth or after. She is a Marxist and wants socialism, where there is no middle class, only the Elite and the very poor. The world will continue to burn under her.
It is time for him to stop that for entertainment points and go after her horrible record, her incompetence as THE Border Czar. She was a train wreck in California, I used to live there. Her policies push racial division and DEI. She want open borders, abortion on demand up to birth or after. She is a Marxist and wants socialism, where there is no middle class, only the Elite and the very poor. The world will continue to burn under her.
They can dish it out but can’t take it? Let Trump be Trump! It’s his nature. Are they’re feelings being hurt by his name calling? After the crap he’s put up with from them for years? It’s not gonna change one thing if he stops the name calling, it’s part of who he is, so i vote No. Let him be genuine.
President Trump will always have my vote. President Trump is a strong, straight forward man who says what he thinks and I truly admire that about him. However, we have quite a few people that are easily hurt by such bluntness. They just can't handle the truth and need things sugar coated. It may be a good idea to tone down the name calling and stick to the issues at hand. We know that Harris is not capable of doing the job. Like Biden, she has been easily manipulated into believing she can run OUR COUNTRY! Stick to the facts and her track record and I believe we can open some eyes out there into seeing what she really is....INCOMPETENT!
I do love DJT no matter what BUT I would rather he talk about what matters to his voters and stick to what he will do to help us get back to where we were when he was in office. I know so many people who hate how he focuses on things that aren’t important to their lives.
If you have an opportunity to share this poll with him or the campaign, please tell them to listen to the people that love him and stay focused on his accomplishments.
Let Harris hang herself like Biden did.old french saying " he who spits in the air falls on the face"
The name calling accomplishes nothing and it makes him almost as un likable as Kamala Harris.
In total agreement with everyone speaking out for Trump to be the President his supporters want to see in the White House. He has shown his abilities and those voting for him will NOT be swayed. BUT those that haven't decided may be. It's true the dems have put him thru a lot BUT can't he be mature enough to wait until he's in office then do his dumping!! It's certainly NOT WORTH IT if it costs the election!
Please stop giving them fodder to attack you with! We know how bad Kamala is as a person! Tell the public how her and joes bad policies have hurt the country and how you are going to fix them. The name calling is turning off a lot of people. love you Mr Trump!
I said No, but it’s a very broad question. If they continue berating Trump, (Hitler Racist, Nazi), well then I don’t mind his comebacks, maybe just tone them down a little. If they stop then I say ok stop, Trump should hold back, stick to the issue’s because that’s where he will beat them.
Pres Trump needs to stick to the things that matter, economy, immigration etc. slinging insults does nothing for me. I said the same thing when DeSantis was campaigning against Trump on truth social and got banned. Stay out of the past and look to the future.
Character counts,stooping to a level that is unbecoming is very childish way of gloating.
Perhaps tone it down somewhat. His style includes a special humor that defines his personality! “You’re fired” could be effective on those adversaries that cross a line on him! No need to use abrasive nicknames. If people are on the line of not voting for him based on his personality, they are not likely going to change their mind on the ballot. Closed minded people are empty headed!
I have mixed feelings on this. I like that he tells it like it is, but there are much better ways of putting down the haters of our country. Just telling the true facts about their beliefs and behaviors would go a long way. Also reporting his facts and beliefs and what he has accomplished would help open the eyes of the blinded. Either way, I will be voting all red this coming election.
It’s time to get the facts out on why they are the best candidates and discuss her failed policies. End the name calling… it’s not a professional or presidential look.
Just stick to the Democrats failed policies and focus on the plan to fix them.
Focus on what you will do in the next 4 years. Tell what affects the current administration has caused like grocery prices, housing prices, mortgage rates and deadly drugs. Speak about the failures of the current administration. Focus on what improvements you will do to veterans and opportunity zones for low income areas. What you will accomplish for the auto workers and talk about parents rights in schools and gender in sports programs.
President Trump has endured countless time of being attacked, accused, charged, and slandered. I can see where people think to be presidential you have to be nice. Well, he is a nice man. But he can take and give e it back when necessary. Has he gone too far? Perhaps! But, I defy anyone to tell me that they could've taken the kind of abuse he has for the past 7+ years and not counter attack. It is what makes Trump the man he is.
It's why I love him...he tells it like it is!!!!
I don’t really see the point of it. It doesn’t further anything he’s great all on his own.
I also think he would get more small donor contributions.
Being the bigger man hasn't worked since before the 2016 election. There are times when he needs to lower himself to their maturity level so they can understand.